The Sorting Hat

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Walking into Hogwarts might be kind of intimidating for some, but for my brother and I it's not. We are the Malfoy twins, Draco my older brother/twin, and me: Devyn. Our mother and father were both Slytherin's, so us being sorted is a big deal. One by one Professor Mcgonagall called out names, for children to be sorted into their houses, one being Ravenclaw, the other being Hufflepuff.

"Devyn Malfoy," said Professor Mcgonagall. I stood up, being nervous. I guess Draco could tell I was, because he whispered in my ear "You got this go show them who you are." I smiled at him.

Draco has always helped me through my times, even if he has to be overprotective to do it. I went up and sat down. "SLYTHERIN" the whole table of Slytherin's started cheering. I sat down beside Draco Him telling me "I knew the whole time." I smiled slyly at him. Draco went up, and of course he got slytherin.

He got even more cheers than I did, since he was a big deal around here. People ether amused us or hated us. Some of our hated people would be the Gryffindor house, Harry Potter was on Draco's hated list.

I don't know what's so wrong with him though, don't get me wrong I understand the troubles between the two, but I never had the same trouble they had with each other.

Devyn MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now