New person?

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Jeff's POV
I just got off and pulled off my blindfold it was another normal day or atleast I thought
I got dressed in my clothes and went downstairs I saw Ben playing his games on the couch and liu with Toby in the kitchen "hey Jeff wanna come play some games with me?" I heard Ben say "sure" I said while walking to the couch and picking up a controller
We played for awhile then the others woke up I heard slender yell "everybody in the kitchen to eat!" So me and Ben went to the kitchen and sat down the proxies sat next to slender like usual clockwork sat next to Toby on the other end hoodie and masky were sitting with eachother I just choose a random spot to sit after grabbing something to eat Toby had waffles masky and hoodie had cheesecake the other pasta's were eating my brother liu was sitting next to me and Ben on the other side of me after we finished eating i went out on a killing spree
A few hours later
I got back and went to shower to get all the blood of me and my clothes,when I heard slender say"meeting everyone here now!!" I went downstairs the other pasta's where there too but there was one that seemed unfamiliar I went to sit down next too my best friends which are Toby and Ben,sally sat inbetween Jill and l.j,Jane and liu and nina was sitting together I was so relieved she wasn't next to me, the puppeteer and b.p were sitting together judge angel was there too,we were in the meeting room which was all the way downstairs I was wondering who that person was,he was wearing a mask wear a black liquid dripping from the sockets he had a black hoodie on brown hair,I started blushing looking at him "this is e.j which stands for eyeless jack" slender said.sally raised her hand "yes sally?" " we have two jacks now" she said then Ben started speaking "yeah we do it's going to be fun seeing the rivalry between there names" Ben said then sally giggled "y-yeah I can't wait f-for the wars b-between there na-mes" you could tell that's Toby
It was quite funny too be honest
"Everyone be quiet" slender said every stopped giggling and laughing "e.j will be living with us but he doesn't have a room right now we are getting it ready so he will have to share rooms with one of you" everyone was silent "hmm I guess I'll pick...Jeff how about you share rooms with e.j?" I was in shocked and having a panic "sure" I said my head was full of thoughts "alright then Jeff show e.j to your room" "okay" I said "e.j you can follow jeff","yeah" we started walking up stairs "so how is life living in a mansion with crazy killers?" Said e.j "it's okay sometimes it could be annoying especially the fact the person I hate the most lives here and is dating my brother" I said "wow so who's your brother?" I forgot he's new and just said "liu" he looked confused "who's that?" "He's the one with stitches" I said "oh that guy","yea" I said.
We were almost at my room we've been walking for probably a minute my room is on the 3rd floor at the last door, I decided to start a conversation "so what's your favourite food?" I asked him "kidneys" he said I looked at him with a disgusted face "are you serious?!" I said kinda yelling "yeah" he said I was so disgusted I almost threw up, we reached my room I opened the door and walked in e.j was behind me "this room is big" he said I just ignored him he sat on my bed and asked "how did you become a killer?" I supposed I had to answer since we should get to know eachother "I moved to a new neighborhood with my parents and brother this girl I think her name is Barbara asked if we wanted to come to her son's birthday my mom accepted I didn't want to but she forced me later on me and my brother were waiting for the bus when these boys who were called randy,Troy and Keith they started bullying us then one pulled out a knife we were fighting then I got hold of the knife and stabbed him in the arm the other ones I broke some of there bones later on the cops came and knocked on our door my mom answered my brother went to jail even tho it was me a few days later we were at the party I was playing with the kids then randy and his minions came and we fought till I lost it I punched randy in the heart then his heart stopped beating And killed Troy and Keith started running after me I ran to the bathroom which I tripped on something and bleached landed on me and I used a racket on the wall to defend myself from Keith Keith was then almost dead on the ground little did I know he had a lighter and burned me alive when I woke up I was in a hospital liu was out of jail and later on I took the bandages off and looked in the mirror liu said it wasn't that bad my sanity was gone and I said not that bad it's perfect then later on we went home around midnight I got up went to the kitchen and carved a smile in my face burned my eyelids my mom came in and said Jeff what are you doing and I said I couldn't stop smiling so I carved I smile in my face I couldn't stop looking at my self my eyes were starting to get tired so I burnt my eyelids aren't I beautiful mommy yes you are dear let me go show daddy so he can see how beautiful you are honey get the gun you lied mommy you said I was beautiful you lied then I killed her" I said as if it was nothing jack was speechless "how did you become a killer?" I asked "will I'm not really a killer but I steal peoples kidneys I kill once in awhile I guess I'll tell you my story" he said I laid down on my stomach with my legs in the air and my hands on my chin next to him "I was at school and became friends with these people little did I know that I joined a cult by accident we got close but later on I found out they were a cult that were worshiping a demon they then poured something hot in my eyes proceeding to kill me painfully then here I am now" I was shocked "wow" I had no words
A/N sorry this is long af but I love this ship so much
Words count :1188

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