New Music Part 50

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During the taxi ride home, Seon-jae was quiet and Hye-won held his hand and allowed him space and time for his own thoughts.  He has had a huge night - he's probably exhausted.  They closed the door on the flat and as she moved to turn the lights on, Seon-jae instead wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close to him.  She laid her head back against his shoulder and closed her eyes, then slowly relaxed her body back against his.  The moment stretched out, as all the tension and noise of the night drained away.  The quiet dark of their private space and the warm touch of each other's bodies brought a sense of safety and release that nourished their souls.

'Baby, it meant everything to me to have you there tonight.  Thank you.'

'It was such a wonderful night.  And I meant it about your Mum being proud.  She couldn't have asked for a better son.'

His voice behind her was thick with emotion: 'and her son couldn't have asked for a better woman, who knows him better than he knows himself, I think,' and rested his head on her shoulder.  

Seon-jae slowly became aware of the smooth texture and almond scent of the bare skin beneath his cheek and his senses began to tingle.  His hands also felt the sheer material on which they rested and when he moved them slightly, he felt the smoothness of the dress fabric under them, almost inviting his hands to work their way across the planes and curves concealed beneath it.  In his mind's eye, he saw again her entrance to the party and how sensational the dress had looked to him then.  Now, in such close proximity, her shape and scent were so alluring that he felt a rush of desire and his hands traced her outline through the dress.

From his first feel along her sides, Hye-won's pulse had been racing.  Now his hands began a tantalising dance, skimming over the smooth fabric to feel every part of her that was within his reach - hip bones, stomach, then cupping both breasts causing them both to exhale at the depth of feeling this brought them.  Resting back against his broad chest, she soaked in the feeling of the sexy contours of his body behind her, his arms around her solidly warming and his hands provoking tremors through her.  

When he pressed his lips onto the bare skin of her shoulder and then licked and bit to the base of her neck, she couldn't help but grind her bottom back against him, which brought a rumbling groan of deep pleasure against her neck, tickling her senses even more.  Still his hands familiarised themselves with the body beneath the dress, as if each new touch and stroke was a first time for them both.  The slowly rising tempo of their breathing mingled in the room, creating a susurrating background to their sensual awakenings.  Seon-jae's hands slipped behind to seductively mould Hye-won's back and bottom and he groaned against her neck, as the curves fit themselves to his hands so temptingly.  

When his words came, they were in ones and twos, as the tangible thrills he was feeling made his breath come and go: 'baby...for some reason...the words of a song...are going through my mind.'

From deep inside her, a low-voiced response: 'a song?  What song?' He wants to talk about music now?

'Mmm - do you know the tune Versace on the Floor?'

There was a lilt in his tone now that made her suspicious that he was having fun with her but always ready to play, she answered in truth: 'ani - no.'

His mouth continued to play across her neck and his hands caused tremblings across her body: 'it think it goes something like this - I love that dress but you won't need it anymore...take it off, for me, for me, for me, for me, now girl.'

The surprisingly pleasant sound of his singing of the lines and the joke of the words themselves brought an eruption of laughter from them both and caused Hye-won to turn herself completely in his arms to face him.

Hye-jae - Book 1: New BeginningsWhere stories live. Discover now