New girl

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"Katie it's time to go why are you taking so long?" Greg shouts from the bottom of the stairs in a strict tone

"I'm coming dad just give me a sec" Katie rolls her eyes as she puts her backpack on and picks up her box of books and sets off down the stairs, slowly, being weary and counting the steps as she walks down being sure not to fall

"Do you need a hand with that?" Greg looks at Katie over the stack of books piled in front of her face

"No I'm good" She sets off down the side walk towards the car and opens the boot whilst leaning the box against the back of the car, she then places her stuff neatly in the spare space of the boot and slams the boot door shut.

Greg locks the house up and makes his own way down the side walk too, hopping into the car then starting the engine after fastening his seatbelt, Katie follows.

"So how are you feeling about your first day? Excited?" Greg reverses off the path and sets off down the road glancing over at Katie to see if she heard him. Katie sighs

"I mean it's new and all but it's no different than the first time I started college right? Just a different place plus I don't have much longer to go" she has her head in her hand as she glances out the window at her current urban surroundings, trees fly by as well as other cars, she then rolls down the window and breathes in the fresh air.

"I understand that, I just know it's been a tough couple of days and I just wanted to make su-" Katie's father begins but is cut off by the sudden sound of loud music, Katie turns to him

"Like I have been saying for the past five years dad, I'm fine" rolling her eyes she sets her head on the back of the seat and closes her eyes lost in the sound of music and taking in the fresh air entering the car from the open window, she drowns out the voice of her father, who's got his eyes fixed on the road.

*20 minutes later, Priwood college*


Startled Katie opens her eyes quickly.

"Great we're here already" she thinks to herself and she gives a subtle eye roll and steps out of the car, closing the door behind her.

"Here you go" Greg Hands Katie her books and drapes her bag over her left shoulder trying to keep the weight of the big stack under control she looks her dad once over before mouthing 'I love you' and sets off up the stairs, not giving her dad chance to respond. After reaching the top of the stairs she turns to nod her dad off, he gets in the car throws one final wave and drives away.
As Katie turns to continue her way into the reception area of the college she walks straight into a fair, tall guy dropping her books everywhere.

"Shoot, I'm sorry about that" the guy looks at her gesturing to the books laying on the floor, he then kneels down and starts to pick them up

"Oh no it's fine I wasn't watching where I was going" she let's of a nervous laugh as she too kneels down to help gather the books, placing them in the box. They both then stand up as the oddly nice guy picks up the box and places it back in Katie's hands

"My bad, I'm Luke" he smiles as he piles the last few books on top

"I'm Katie" smiling back as she looks down at the ground, awkwardly

"Well, Katie, I hope to see you around soon" Luke then gives a flirtatious wink and sets off down the steps

Katie's thoughts: Well then that was eventful, god stop being such a clutz katie!

She then, as originally planned, begins to the front desk

"Hey, erm I'm new here? I got told to come to the reception so I could get my locker key?" Setting her books down on the floor and sighing harshly Katie leans against the side of the desk

"Ah yes Katie Manning here you go" The Receptionist hands the key over to Katie across the desk

"Be sure to check your first course as soon as ur sorted, your timetable has been placed inside your locker" The Receptionist smiles as she turns her attention back to the computer. Katie picks up her box and nods as she makes her way over to the big Locker space.

Katie's thoughts:This is going to be some experience I can already feel it.

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