thirty six

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"HE'S AN ASSHOLE CORBYN AND I DONT WANT TO TALK TO HIM!" athena crossed her arms over her chest as she shook her head, surrounded by blankets as she literally just refused to move from her position in her bed.

"you might not want to talk to him but you have to athena!" corbyn scolded from his position of leaning in the doorway of the girls bedroom.

just as anna had been tasked to talk to daniel, corbyn had been given the orders to do the same with athena.

although while daniel was angrily slamming doors in people's faces and shouting at them, athena had gone for the more solemn approach of just crying and eating ice cream while watching movies until someone tried to get her to do something then she would shout at them whilst refusing.

"no i don't." the girl refused crossing her arms over her chest as corbyn just sighed shaking his head and walking into the room, sitting on the foot of the girls bed as she just stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"you kind of do- don't make me get jonah."

"i'm not talking to him i don't care corbyn. i honestly i really do not care!" the silver haired girl shrugged her shoulders looking the blonde directly in the eye as she refused to actually say anything.

maybe it was because she was angry with daniel- but why would she be angry at him? he had done nothing wrong necessarily. other than the fact he had insulted her- but she insulted him back so it was fair game.

"well then just rant to me! i don't care sometimes you need to talk to people thena!" corbyn ran a hand through his hair patiently awaiting for the girl to start talking to him, ranting maybe. he would take whatever he could get at this point.

"i make everything difficult for everyone. yeah i like him i'll admit it. i was fucking jealous because it wasn't me who was making him smile like that when he was texting that girl!

and yeah it annoyed me that your guys' first day back you were all willing to hang out with your girlfriends and me and then he just ignored me the entire movie to fucking text some random girl-

but i don't know if you've noticed corbyn i am ruining everything and i always knew this was gonna happen.

i almost kissed you in new york. your girlfriend was no less than probably twenty metres away at the time and it still nearly happened. is that not completely fucked up to you?

i had admitted to myself the day before i liked daniel and then i sat there and almost fucking kissed you.

your management absolutely hate me and because of that they just attack daniel all the time! i cant stay here knowing that i'm hurting him. if i just leave everything will get better." the silver haired girls voice cracked after she finished her rant, her hands flying through the air as she used them to point and explain everything she was saying.

corbyn didn't know what to say. he had no fucking clue. so he just sat in silence staring at the floor trying to figure out how to string some words together.

athena obviously had a different plan as she proceeded to stand up from her bed for the first time in what corbyn assumed was a long while. and began making her way to her closet which when corbyn looked at it, it was completely empty.

"woah woah what are you doing!" the blonde shot up from his position noticing that there were two suitcases in the bottom of the closet and that was the only thing there as athena began rolling them out and making her way towards the door of her apartment.

"i can't do it. i told you i can't stay here knowing that everything bad that has happened and is about to happen is my fault." the girl shook her head, quickly throwing her hair up in a ponytail.

"okay alright yeah if you think that's what is best maybe just take a break and we'll see you soon." the besson sighed, grabbing athena's bags and placing them next to the girl, agreeing maybe she could leave for a short time.

"no corbyn. i'm not coming back." athena elaborated drawing her eyebrows inwards slightly.

"what do you mean you're not coming back! what about your friends? anna, christina? me and the boys? thena what about gabbie and lav? you're her godmother for crying out loud!" corbyn's hands flew up to grab his hair as he tried to process all the information being given to him.

"i'll visit gabbie frequently for lav and anna already knew i was going so it doesn't matter." athena shook her head.

"i didn't know you were going? neither do the boys. what's christina gonna say-"

"christina deserves a better friend! one who wont accidentally almost kiss her boyfreind okay!" the girl snapped holding back tears, her voice very obviously cracking during the middle of speaking but she refused to acknowledge it knowing she had to stay strong.

"you were in a vulnerable state you weren't okay- if you just tell her that then maybe-"

"no i can't even tell her that corbyn!" she groaned throwing her head into her hands before looking back up again.

"i just- you don't get it. and i'm not gonna sit here and explain because i have a plane to catch. don't tell any of the boys just let them figure it out on their own."

"thank you for everything." athena pressed her lips into a thin tight smile, a few tears rolling down her cheeks but they were silent. maybe she hadn't noticed them or maybe she just really didn't care any more.

the girl handed corbyn the key to her apartment before letting out a shakey breath, opening the door to walk into the hallway and closing it behind her.

he could've gone after her, chased her down onto the street and begged her to stay but he didn't.

corbyn stayed standing still, staring at the door. maybe daniel had fallen for her and yeah maybe he was a dick for not saying or doing anything about it.

but maybe just maybe, who you think is supposed to end up with the person of their dreams never was meant to. because maybe just maybe. corbyn had found himself falling for her instead.


lmao there u go. u wanted an update
have one-

i would say my other daniel book is much happier- but it's really not...

and i'm not crushing on corbyn i swear-
but like go add my new corbyn book to ur library and read my kiss you one if u don't cause i update that shit daily 😃

just don't tell jack 👏

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