4. Hancock and MacCready

Start from the beginning

"All right," said Hancock, sitting forward and resting his elbows on his knees. "Anne, right?"

I nodded.

"Anne, this is MacCready. MacCready, Anne." He paused, as if expecting us to exchange a handshake or pleasantries. MacCready didn't move, and I wasn't about to test his temper. When the silence stretched between us, he continued. "O-kay. Like I told you yesterday, Sunshine, you caught my attention and I want to help you." Fahrenheit rolled her eyes and MacCready huffed sardonically. "Anyway, since I can't just stop being the beloved mayor of Goodneighbor, friend to the downtrodden, champion of living free..."

"Geez, Hancock, lay it on a little thicker, won't ya?" MacCready interjected querulously, speaking for the first time.

"You're no fun, MacCready." Hancock put on a wounded expression, drawing the corners of his ruined mouth down into a tragic frown. He cocked his head at the young man inquiringly, the tricorner hat on his head tilting down his hairless head.

"Get to the point." MacCready rubbed his temples, wincing slightly. He closed his eyes with a slight groan.

"All right. As I was saying before I was so rudely interrupted..." Hancock paused to grin at the sour young man before turning to address me directly. "I hired MacCready here to be your own personal bodyguard, sniper, Commonwealth travel guide, Wasteland survival teacher, human pack mule, private butler..."

"Whoa whoa whoa!" came the startled protest. "Private butler?!"

"All right, spoilsport. Maybe not a butler, but he's going to watch your back while we figure out how to get you home." Hancock produced a second can of purified water, sliding it over to MacCready. "Here, drink some water. You're a real bastard when you have a hangover."

"It's your fault." The sniper took the proffered water, downing it quickly. "Never," and he finally turned to address me, "get into a drinking contest with a Ghoul. Especially this one."

Hancock chuckled in reply. "See, you're giving her lessons already. You're a natural!" He smiled beatifically at MacCready's exasperated groan. Fahrenheit had observed the entire exchange coolly, not deigning to offer any additional commentary. "Anyway, Sunshine, you're his boss now. The services of the best gun in the Commonwealth, my gift to you."

"What?" I was stunned. "Why?"

"I dunno. You're cute. I like you. I like your story- the ultimate misfit in Goodneighbor! I had too many caps lying around anyway." Hancock pointed out carelessly, taking another puff on his inhaler, but I wasn't about to be deterred.

"This is too much." I protested. "I can't let you do this." I waved my hand towards MacCready, whose eyes widened in surprise. "I'm sure you're just as good as Hancock says, but it's not fair to you to have to traipse around after me."

"Look, angel," MacCready explained, meeting my eyes with his own, a serious expression on his face. "I'm a merc, a hired gun. It's simple; you point, and I shoot. It doesn't really matter who paid the caps for my fee. I've been hired to protect you, and I honor my contracts." He shrugged nonchalantly. "You can't be worse than any other boss I've had."

"Check and mate, Sunshine," chimed Hancock. "You're stuck with him, I'm afraid."

Outmatched, I nodded, sighing. As much as I didn't want to admit it, Hancock was right. I was completely out of my depth. I had been almost killed twice in less than twenty-four hours, and was woefully unprepared to step out of this room without some way to protect myself. MacCready seemed like a very bitter young man, but he also seemed competent.

"All right then." Hancock turned on his formidable charm to smooth things along. "So, let's get started with that Pip-Boy of yours. MacCready?"

MacCready set his rifle down on the table, speaking quietly. "Hancock told me a little. Unlike him, I've actually seen a Pip-Boy up close." He didn't elaborate further, but held out his hand. "May I?" His expression was neutral now, merely showing interest.

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