What they do when your on you period (cast)

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-get you everything you need and ask for.
-lots of kisses and cuddles
-he Sings you to sleep
-cancels plans to be with you
-tells you your beautiful and he loves you
-tummy rubs!!!

-he really doesn't know what to do so he rubs your abdomen
-lots of kisses
-lots of cuddles
-lots of i love yous

-gets you everything you need
-helps put on whatever you use for it.
-kisses. Lots and lots
-skips dance for you
-tummy rubs
-make sure you are feeling okay
-buys you gifts and chocolates
-tells you he loves you and lets you sleep

-he gets you food
-he gives you cuddles
-takes you on drives and gives you lots of kisses
-by lots of kisses I mean makeout sessions
-back rubs and tummy rubs while nakey

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