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Chapter 1

"y/n hey wake up, hey wake up already you'll be late for school my gosh, if you wont wake immediately im not giving you your allowance for this week" the last sentence my mom spoke made me jump and run straight to the shower. If you think I want my allowance that bad, well yes because the last time she didn't give me my allowance she made me bring my bento. I don't like bringing bento box since I don't eat that much every lunch break cause im tryna lose weight, I just think I'm gaining unnecessary weight.

When I started taking the shower it made me really wake up because of the cold water, its november so what do you expect, to be taking a cold shower good AT WINTER??! Gosh I hate this. After doing my bath rituals I quickly put on my skirt and my blouse and after fixing myself I grabbed my blazer and went down. I just let my hair down since its cold esp when it's morning. " here eat breakfast already, you'll be late" my dad said when I came to the kitchen. I just ate one piece of pancake, well mom does the pancake thick. After eating I brushed my teeth and kissed both their cheeks. I wore my shoes and before I open the door I shouted "ittekimasu". They both answered in unison "iterashai". I quickly went to my bike, i ride my bike going to school since its kinda far from home. While on my bike i am wearing my airpods and listening on my playlist.

Now playing - 裸の心 by aimyon

(lil a/n from author chan hey guys check it out on yt or spotify istg its really good)

Fast forwardd to the school's bike parking area

As i park my bike i heard someone shouting my name loudly and by just the voice i know who it is already Hina, Himari Hina. she's been my friend since we were children because before she lived just beside our house but had to move because her family had some personal problems to take care of but now they are back and were ninensei (second year high school) here in inarizaki high. "Ohayo hina, you're always so energetic even in the morning" i said slightly laughing at her. She's been so glee ever since before. " well it is what they say that start your day happily" she replied.

We walked together going to our classrooms. I have always loved this seat. Its beside the window and I can see the green field that sometimes becomes a reason for me to space out in class, well it happens sometimes only xD. Beside me is Hina, it must be the destiny of our friendship that even our seats were not separated.

[[[But that fun fact did not last long when the first period, homeroom, started.]]]

After we put down our bags me and hina went to class 2-6 coz Ichika and Akari, our other friends were there. They became our friends during ichinensei.

"Hina!! y/n!!" they shouted as soon as they saw me and hina " heyyy" the energetic hina shouted back while me on the other hand just raised my hand and waved at them until we got near to them. " So what clubs will you guys pick today?" Ichika asked

oh right today is the day we pick our clubs i was planning to join the cooking club but like what i said before i was trying to lose unnecessary weight. If im at the cooking club i'll just eat a lot, option B is art club, but aside from the pricey materials that are needed i am not that good in doing arts all i know is simple blank painting my last option is joining the what they call " book-lovers club" aside from it being basic is just you got time to chill in the club and all you gonna do is read and i love reading.

"Hey y/n y/n you with us?'' I just came back to my senses when Akari shaked my shoulders. "Oh oh yes what was that again?" i said covering up the fact that i was spacing out " I was asking what club are you joining" said Ichika " oh i was planning to join book club" i answered smiling and they fractions were worth of a meme " whats with the reaction ughh" i said and laughed afterwards. "Why that club that's boring" they all said in unison. " Idk what club to join. I want a peaceful one so yea" i answered.

The topic changed quickly. They just agreed with my decision and said they will support me i'm really lucky having supportive friends though they will make fun of the decisions first were used to each other already haha.


810 words

Its kinda short since author-chan's bed time is near lmao. SOOO i hope you guys liked it drop your feedbacks on the comment section i would really love them.

NEXT UP: what do you guys think happened when homeroom started? Check it out in the next chapter ;)

chapter 2 is in the making <33

𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐯𝐨𝐭𝐞, 𝐱𝐨𝐱𝐨

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