Chapter 10 - Journey

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"Alright, who has the blaze rods?"

"I do"

"Alright. Sapnap, you have most of the ender pearls, right?"

"Yeah, but you still have a few George"

"I have 2, how about you?"

"I have 11"

"Alright, George can save those two while we make those 11 into ender eyes" I suggested. George and Sapnap nodded.

"Here's the blaze rods" I continued, giving them to Sapnap.

"Thanks" Sapnap took the rods out of my hand and leaned over the crafting table (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)) to break them into blaze powder. Soon, he turned back to us, a greenish, round item in his hand.

"Got it" he smirked.

"Awesome" I smiled.

"Hey guys, I have an idea" George said, turning our attention to him.

"We should make potions"

"What? But we need a brewing stand for that and I already made all my blazerods into blaze powder" Sapnap said confused.

"That is true, but lucky for us, a blaze had wondered off into the edge of the crimson forest. I had to kill it, and I was lucky enough to get a blaze rod from it" George smirked, opening his inventory and taking out a shining, warm, blaze rod.

"Oh wow, Gogy managed to kill a blaze!" Sapnap made fun of him.

"What the hell, I'm good at Minecraft too!" George whined as I laughed in the background.

"Is that so?" Sapnap smirked.

"Well, how do you make a strength potion oh god of Minecraft? Oh, you could also tell is the receipe for a speed potion and fire resistance" George said.

"I- fine"

"You two are such idiots" I laughed. "But we only need speed and strength potions if we want to get to The End faster and kill the dragon as quickly as we can. For that we need neither wart, blaze powder and sugar"

"I have a bit of nether wart, but we definitely don't have enough blaze powder. We need to drop one out" Sapnap sighed.

"I think we can leave out strength. We can kill the dragon without it, and we'll get to The End faster anyway" George said.

"Ok, but we still need one blaze powder to power the brewing stand" I said.

"I think we can spare one, I still have 3 left" Sapnap said.

"Alright. I will go get the sugar, George you can get the sand for the glass bottles and fill them with water. Sapnap, you can stay here and rest a little" I planned out. A little whine was heard from Sapnap's direction, but he didn't start complaining. Besides, he still needed to heal a bit. Me and George then left the cave and climed up to the sunrise.

"How long did we sleep? It was nighttime when we started sleeping" George wondered.

"Either we slept only a few hours or 12 hours, but at least we can travel at daytime" I smiled. "Now come on, let's go find that sugarcane and sand"

It didn't take long for us to find a little lake with sand and sugarcane. Collecting the sugarcane and making it into sugar didn't take long, so I helped George. He had already collected some sand, so I quickly made a crafting table to craft glass bottles.

"Wait, how many do we need?" George asked.

"Well, 3 glass makes 3 glass bottles. If we had redstone, we can extend the effect of the potion from 3 minutes to 8 minutes. I think we should make 1 extra for all of us just in case, so we need 2 more sand"

"How the frick do you remember all these things" George mumbled as he collected the remaining sand.

"Because I'm a pro" I started "flexing", wheezeling afterwards.

"Oh my god why are you like this" George chuckled. We laughed together as we crafted the glass bottles and filled them with water. Then, we headed back to the cave.

"What the hell took so long?! I was dying of boredom" Sapnap whined as we entered the cave.

"Oh shut up Sapnap, not my fault you don't have your precious little phone here" George responded.

"Oh you shut up!"

"Guys can't we just have one day without you guys bickering" I said, holding back my laughter.

"George started it. Anyway I made the brewing stand, the ingredients are already inside"

"Good, thanks Sapnap" I gave him a smile and walked over to the brewing stand. I placed in the glass bottles and started the process. It took a bit of wating, but eventually it was done. I handed over two potions to both my friends, taking two for myself.

"Alright, here's the potions. Time to collect our stuff and go"

"Finally!" Sapnap shouted, collecting our beds. George checked his armor and his weapons to be in good condition and I took the brewing stand.

"Alright, I think we're ready. Let's get going" George said, leading us out of the cave. We were met with the sunlight when we came up to the surface. Sapnap looked up to the sky as he took the eyes in his hand. Throwing one in the air, Sapnap made a little run and jump to catch the falling falling item that had flown to our left side.

"It's this way! Potion up bois!" Sapnap shouted smiling. We all opened our glass bottles, drinking the thick liquid inside them. The taste wasn't the best, but wasn't really a surprise.

"Alright, let's go" I said, and we all started running in the direction of the ender eye.

"Woah!" I gasped, surprised by the speed.

"This feels really weird!" George chuckled, running on my left side.

"I know! It feels like I'm flying super fast but my legs are touching the ground!" Sapnap shouted.

"Dude, imagine what other potions feel like! Like slow falling or fricking fire resistance!" I laughed.

"Oh my god, that would be sick!" George said. We ran and ran, stopping sometimes to catch our breath or throw another eye to make sure we were going in the right direction. We'd finally reached a mountain biome, catching our breath again. Two mountains rose on our both sides, us being in between. We had already used our second potions, having about 1 minute of the effect left.

"Should I throw another one?" Sapnap asked.

"Go ahead. It's been a while since we threw one" George responded. Sapnap took out the eyes, throwing one in the air. But to our surprise, it went straight down.

"It's right here!" Sapnap shouted in excitement. I didn't even hesitate a second when I took out my pickaxe and started mining straight down. Sapnap and George jumped in my hole, excitement in their eyes. I started to get more stressed when I dug down, fearing that I was mining in the wrong spot and was about to kill us all. Just when I was about to give up, I reached a new block. It was dark so I didn't see it properly, but it was smoother than the stone before. It also had a design. I mined it, only to fall on the floor of a familiar structure.

The Stronghold.


Oh god, how long has it been since I updated this?? o-o
Sorry about being inactive, I figured out that getting my mental health better was more important than this- also Christmas and all that stuff held me back.

I'm also probably gonna redraw the banner for this story I don't like it anymore lmao

Also are we gonna talk about Smp!Tommy's depression arc like hello?? I was so stressed that whole time that arc was going on, thank god he got out of it :'D Poor Tubbo tho

Anyway, happy new year everyone!
Have a good day/night :)

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