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3rd Person POV
The Vikings had won the battle but not the war against the Christian Saxons, who had a new ally, Bishop Heahmund; and unlike any other Bishop they had met, he was also a very capable warrior. The 3 remaining Ragnarson brothers returned to their new home victorious but uneasy as Bishop Heahmund had promised that he would wipe all pagan Vikings out from existence.
"Do you think he'll actually be able to do it?" Hvitserk asked his brothers and Ivar laughed "Of course not! There is no way their false god will prevail over our true gods."
"But Ivar, you saw him fight too. He was very skilled and I don't know of any other Bishop that could fight, perhaps they do believe him to be some kind of messenger." Ubbe tried to reason. "The Seer would know." Hvitserk stated. "Well if you want to go back to Kattegat and ask him, off you go - but I am not concerned." Ivar sneered. Suddenly, the 3 brothers heard the watchmen blow their horns, meaning that boats were approaching, and they went out to investigate. It was mostly new settlers from Kattegat along with one very special guest... the Seer. He walked towards the brothers and Ubbe asked him "What are you doing here? I've never actually seen you outside of your hut."
"The gods told me I was needed here." The Seer responded simply and Ivar turned to glare at Hvitserk. "What? I didn't do anything! But by any chance did the gods tell you something about a Bishop wanting to wipe us out?" The Seer gestured for the brothers to lead him inside. Ubbe looked slightly worried now "Is it possible? Will our way of life be destroyed and forgotten about?" he asked as the Seer sat at one end of the rectangular fire "I told your father that people would speak of his sons for as long as men had tongues - and that is true - but I have more knowledge now and it will not be done in the way I had imagined." Now curious Ivar asked what he meant as he crawled to the other end of the fire opposite the Seer. "I am afraid it looks like the Christians will win in the end." He said shocking the brothers "it will not be for another 200 years though, and we will not be forgotten as the gods have just sealed the fate of one family who will ensure that."

Ragnarsons... Meet the MikaelsonsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora