The Chamber

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"He's FINE Sky. He just needs rest! He can't handle the morphing. He's weak." Seto said as I awoken from how ever long it's been.

I was in some, glass chamber. I wasn't an enderdragon anymore! I tried to stand up, but my legs gave in and I fell back towards the ground, I sat on my knees and hands, hair drooping in my face. Seto approached me and I looked away from the ground up to him right outside the wall of glass.

"Ty, I can give you a substance that will allow you to no longer move from human to ender dragon morph, would you like it?" Seto asked me as he bent down to me on the ground.

No more enderdragon? I can deal with that. I can be normal. What is normal? I can have friends. Loner to social, please. I can do anything! But. Id lose everything I was. A monster, I was a monster. You were unique. I was about to kill someone! You didn’t! "Nnn---Yes." I barely managed to say. A bottle appeared in the chamber. It started floating right in front of me. It was purple. I asked Seto, "Drink the whole thing?" He nodded. I grabbed it and forced myself to open the top and poured it down my thorat getting every drop. My thorat stung. I could feel it in my stomach. I felt numb and tingles going down my arm and to my brain. I threw the bottle to the side it cracked the glass a bit.

I soon blacked out. I heard banging on the glass.


Ty fell to the ground in the chamber. I banged my hands on the glass.

"SKY! He'll be okay!" Seto told me as he tried to hold me back, then he checked scanners and computer screens. I heard Seto whisper, "no."

I grabbed Seto's shoulders, "what do you mean 'no' ?!"

Seto pushed me back with his magical force and said, "I need to check my scanners!"

Seto POV

"Something went wrong." I thought to myself. I could feel Ty's aura. It was not like Sky's human aura. Ty's was still green fused with purple. "Enderdragon Purple." i thought outloud. I rushed my hand over my mouth. Whoops.

"...Enderdragon Purple? Seto, I thought you helped him! what happened?" Sky asked.

"Just. Just watch him. Make sure he stays human. Ring me if he morphs." I replied. Sky looked at me puzzled and turned back to Ty laying on the ground of the chamber.

I picked up my book and went back into my studying. "Maybe.. maybe it's impossible to destroy the morph." I’m so stupid! I should’ve known. The dream. It didn’t happen. He has to be an enderdragon until then. I can change him. I need to make him pure before it happens.

I looked over at Ty and focused on his mind. "He... he.. just hates the pain of morphing. I could sense the pain he goes through. Too much for his fragile body to handle." I said to myself.

Sky looked hurt. "I.. I made him go through all that pain and suffering. I'm terrible."

"We can help him. There's a potion helping with pain." I said opening my potions recipe book. "Right here. Potion of healing. All we need is a glistering melon."

"I know just the guy." sky said.

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