As they got closer to the Purple haired woman's dressing room, Nova heard  the man she was seeing as her saviour for getting her away from her family ask, concern obvious in his voice "are you sure you are okay? If you need to talk....."  " thank you I really appreciate it. Right now however, I just want to get going if I'm honest. Start the drive back so I can mope and eat my weight in ice cream" Nova replied, fighting the need to break down and cry as they walked into her dressing room. After the number of years she had spent going between indie shows and working all the hours god sent to put food on her table and basically live, Nova had got into the habit of packing up and leaving clothes out she could wear over her ring gear after an appearance or a match and this time was no different, so she simply slipped on her hoodie and some baggy sweatpants and quickly changed her shoes to some Jordans while Marc helped her out by putting her cape back in its bag. As she slid on her sweatpants, she heard the man ask her as she leant down to pick her shoes up "do you live close? I dont like the thought of a beautiful lady driving on her own upset?" and Nova smilled as she replied "somewhat close, ill be fine, I have been for this long, but if it makes you feel any better pass me your cell". After she took his phone and typed something in, she passed it back to him by sliding it into his pocket and replied " you can ring to check on me if that makes you feel any better". Getting the last of her bits together and packed up, Nova felt herself becoming very quiet as she felt her adrenaline disolvr and it was something that Marc picked up on as she heard him ask her " are you sure you are okay cherie? You seem very distant". Hearing this, Nova looked at him in shock, bar one person, no one had ever picked up on her ups and downs so quickly and more than that, actually cared about how she was feeling and it knocked her for six. As the last little bit of adrenaline disappeared , the feeling of being vulnerable came back and however hard she fought with herself, she couldnt hide it anymore, looking at him, Nova simply shook her head and broke down crying and the French Canadian quickly pulled her into a hug and soothed her ""its ok cherie, let it out". After a couple of minutes, Nova wiped her eyes and apologised for breaking down, embarrassed thats he had let herself to which he replied, wiping her mascara stained cheeks and under eyes with the pads of his thumbs  "you have been through hell Novalee, you dont need to nor do you have anything to apologise for. I can tell you one thing for sure though, Your not alone anymore though. I know you don't know me or any of the dark order very well but I promise you, you dont have to put a mask on around me or anyone else. I'm going to drive you home.. no excuses. Let someone take care of you for a little bit, okay?" Nova simply nodded, not trusting her voice as he took the bags and added "I need to get my stuff and shower, then we will go okay?"and with that he opened the door and they both walked out.

As they walked to the Dark Order's dressing room, Marc thankfully helping her with her bags, Nova suddenly heard out of nowhere a voice that she truly never thought that she would hear again shout "Auntie Star?". Gobsmacked, she turned around and as she did, she was engulfed in a bone breaking hug by her niece Dakota who was crying. Prying her niece's death grip from her after Marc had grabbed hold of the bag holding her cape in it, Nova looked at the now woman in front of her and joked as she wiped her eyes "Blimey squirt. You look like your momma", but before she could day anything else, she noticed that Dakota was wearing the necklace that she had brought for her a couple of weeks before she was ostrised and added, surprised " you still have your necklace?" "I haven't taken it off" Dakota replied with a sniff. Noticing her niece was crying again, Nova felt her heart break all over again as she heard Dakota state  "I've missed you Auntie Star" and with tears in her voice, Nova replied " I have missed you too much. Pass me your phone" and taking her nieces phone from her, she quickly typed her number in and as she passed it back to her, she stated sternly to her niece " I am trusting you not to share this Kots okay. I dont want any of the family having it" and she touched her cheek and added "you ring whenever you wanna talk okay. We will sort you coming round and visiting me" and Dakota nodded and replied "I'll keep it to myself and I will ring later if that is okay" and she gave her auntie another hug and Nova kissed her forehead and they walked off in different directions. As they carried on walking, Nova looked at Marc and wondered why it was that this man that she had literally only just met a hour or so if that was making her feel so safe and secure.

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