Lets Be Amazing #3

Beginne am Anfang

M/n: well looks like a museum getting busted into

Y/n: well, I could use the workout

Gwen: same here

Y/n: what do you say? Mom wanna shake off the rust

M/n: oh, I would be happy too, but I'm on vacation

Y/n: what~ your at home

Gwen: I can't believe you get breaks at shield

M/n: I just wanted to have dinner before I left

Then there was the sound of a helicopter outside. Mom got up and grabbed bags from under the table

M/n: there's my ride

Gwen and I walked her out of them as the helicopter was landed, and the routers were still spinning

M/n:(puts shades on) I off stay safe, you two

Then she got on and the helicopter, and as it started taking off, she poked her head out again

M/n: I better have two grandchildren before I get back, or there will be hell to pay!!!!

The helicopter took off

Y/n: well, you heard her gwen she wants two; let's get to work

Gwen: down boy, we've got work to do

Y/n: yeah, I know

Then she kissed my cheek

Gwen: good boy

Time skip

Gwen and I were swinging toward the National Museum where the break-in a reported

Gwen: what do you think they want from a museum

Y/n: well, it was run by fisk. Ten bucks say it's about drugs

Gwen: I'll take you on that 20 on something else

Y/n: like what

Then we got to the roof of the museum. I landed on the ledge while she landed on the wall, walking up

Gwen: I don't know, say some clue to and underground facilities or weapons

Y/n: you are descriptive. You know that

Gwen: I try to be, now come on

And again, we too the only option for spiders to go through, and that was the vent. Once we got to the main hall, there was a scream, and we took a peek through the vents and saw guys in mask armed with a civilian worker

???: I'm getting impatient. Where is the file

Lady: I don't know, but there someone else here; he probably took it

Then he picked her up and aimed his gun at her

???: it's around here somewhere either we find it, or you die

They walked off

Gwen: we have to take them out silently
You ready

Y/n: always dork

Gwen: you get one

Y/n: hehe

We headed towards the end of the vent and jumped out on to the light as only one guard was in the backroom

Y/n: I got this

I jumped off the edge and behind the guard as I kicked him in the back of the knee, and before he could do anything, I concentrated by venom shock in my right hand and put it on his chest, shocking him then I shot a web on the ceiling and place it on his should as he got sent face planting upward into the roof then gwen made him stay there by webbing him then I heard the door opening, so I jumped upwards to the ceiling then gwen shot a web on his chest and pulled him up while pulling him back down as his face hits the metal pole then before he fell she rapped him in webs before hanging from the light pole

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