Good Boy

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Jayceon's POV

I'm agitated as fuck. I'm walking around my apartment, picking up random shit and putting it back. I've flopped down on the couch only to jump back up. I've opened and closed my refrigerator and pantry 50 million times even though I'm not hungry. I don't have homework. I don't want to play the game. My body won't let me be still. I swear if I keep pacing I'm gonna wear a hole in my carpet. I could go to the gym but I don't really feel like it and it's late. I let out a loud growl in frustration. The fuck is wrong with me?

Maybe I need to smoke. Shit! Just remembered I smoked my last blunt two days ago. I wonder if that lil nigga High Note got something. I called him on Facetime. When he picked up, he looked irritated.

"What's up Jay?"

"Hey. You good, lil dude?"

"Yeah. Homework getting on my nerves."

"Sorry about that. Hey um... you got some weed I can buy from you?"

He smirked at me. "Really, nigga? Last time we smoked together, you told me all of your business. You sure you wanna do that again?"

This nigga got jokes. "Yeah. I'm just... fuck I dunno. Feel like I'm crawling out of my body."

"Nigga, you sure not high already? The fuck?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed. "You ever get restless? Like you're body won't be at peace? I just need to calm down, mellow out."

"I got ya. Aiight. Um... well I got too much homework to do to bring it to you and my dude will flip his shit if he knew I was actually selling this shit. Lemme see if I can get somebody to bring it to ya. How much you need?"

"Lemme get a dub. What are you giving me? I'm not trying to be in a coma, High Note."

He just smiled at me and said, "Nah. I got you. Gonna give you some Sade. Actually, I already got some rolled up. You want brown or white paper?"

"Nigga, I wouldn't care if the shit was in construction paper."

"Damn, big man. Aiight. You mind if I send Empire? He said he was leaving in a few. Yall have hung out before, right? You cool with him coming by your spot? If not, I can come but it'll be late."

Empire... Kenneth. Just his name. Fuck. If I was a bitch, I probably would've let out a high pitched sigh.

"Uh, yeah. He cool. You know we talked, played Madden a few times."

"Bet. Aiight. Lemme ask him if he can swing by while he's out."

"Thanks, High Note."


We disconnected and I rubbed my hand over my face a few times. I hit his cash app cause I know that lil nigga don't play about his money and his weed was too fiyah to fuck that up. Aiight lemme explain something to yall. I fuck around with dudes. I'm not out there wilding out and shit. Now when you look at me, you'd think that I was a top but I actually prefer to bottom... and I'm submissive. I get enough of being this big alpha male in the world. When I get home and I'm in my private space, I'm really submissive. I like my dudes to be naturally dominant. I want to be manhandled. I want to let go of everything and give it to my top. Let him take care of me. It's rare that I find that shit in a dude that I actually like.

This brings us to Kenneth. I just thought he was sexy as fuck seeing him on campus. I was just too pussy to step to him though. So I'm chilling with Adrian and this lil nigga had me so fucking high one night and I just started talking. Told him how Kenneth just had this fucking aura about him that I vibed with. I then went on to tell him about me being submissive. He just looked at me and didn't say anything. Funny enough, a couple of weeks later, Kenneth hit me up and invited me over for some tacos or something. We just talked and played the game. Nothing happened even though I wanted it to. We've talked a few more times but nothing major.

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