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Joy shot awake, and was breathing heavily. She whipped her head around, not recognising where she was. It was too dark to see anything, and she was too tired to huff fire and see.

"Hello," a deep voice said welcomingly. "You must be the first."

"First? First what?" the pale green dragoness hissed. "Who are you? Where am I?"

"You're quite the questionnaire," the deity said. "But no need to worry, you've already accepted your fate."

"I didn't accept anything, and you won't make me!" Joy was shouting mindlessly at a voice that was probably only in her own head. She was going insane.

Suddenly, a talon held her head and tilted it up. She could see what she was yelling at now. Or who she was yelling at.

"Nightmare," she snarled breathlessly.

"Joy," Nightmare acknowledged. "Do you know what you did?" He didn't let the dragoness answer. "You attacked your best friend. And with a witness. How mindless are you?"

He tightened his grasp when Joy struggled.

"Now don't do that," he cooed. "Your friends hate you now. You won't be allowed to go back."

"You did this, didn't you?" The pale green dragoness refused to believe the jet black dragon. She refused to think all that was her fault.

Nightmare felt like he was close to crushing her skull. "Don't you push the blame on me!"

Hypocrite, thought Joy. I will never believe you. I didn't see myself.

The deity growled. "I'm no hypocrite if I had nothing to do with this! This was you, you were the one who turned on Nerve." He spat fire into her face. "Possibly this was meant to be."

Joy narrowed her ocean blue eyes. "Meant to be? How stupid do you think I am?"

Nightmare instead ignored what the dragoness said. "Evil is meant to work with evil." He let her go. "If you ignore fate, I don't want to know what else you do."

The pale green dragoness snarled. How can she get out of such an evil dragon's grasp if he'll keep trying to convince her to join him? What if this was fate and it was nature's job to bring them together? She shook her head furiously. "No!" she barked. "And you can't convince me otherwise!"

"Do you really think you can get out of here by saying no?" retorted the black dragon. "It's much harder than that."

Joy suddenly felt her mind washing all the knowledge she had of herself. It felt like her soul was getting pushed out of her body, and forcing her to live in the third person. She hated it, and wanted to stop her body from following Nightmare, but instead she had to watch herself get the reputation of evil being on her side. Forever.

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