Akaashi Keiji had no idea of how many days and weeks before he should have heard that.

Akaashi Keiji had no idea of how warm that last hug really was.

Akaashi Keiji had no idea of how late it was now.

Akaashi Keiji felt his heart turning heavy because Bokuto Kōtarō had no idea of how rotten and helpless he was now.

After that, they spent the afternoon together doing different things, like cooking a cake that ended up burnt in the trash can, to take Akaashi's mind off everything even though if it was for just one moment.

And it certainly worked.

Akaashi felt a warm embracing his chest and heart throughout the day. Finally, Bokuto had to leave after dinner (Akaashi's parents insisted he should stay to have dinner) and Akaashi was alone again. But he didn't feel lonely, he was much better and went to sleep without any problem for the first time in forever.

He would talk to Konoha the next day.

Everything would get better.

It wasn't too late after all, was it?


Was it?


The next day started better than others and Akaashi's mom noticed. She almost started to cry when she saw her little baby's eyes not being dull and dry, but full of life and light. She gave him a kiss before rushing to her car since she was a little bit late to work leaving her husband and her son doing their breakfasts.

"I'm guessing you finally talked to Kōtarō, right?" Akaashi's eyes lost a little bit of excitement but remained bright.

His parents didn't know shit about his cuts.

He nodded shyly and his dad smiled. "And how do you feel after talking it out with someone?"


"That's good." His dad smiled and they started eating breakfast. When finished, Akaashi went upstairs to get dressed and took his phone to text to his best friend.

To Aki✨🤡:
Bby, can we meet today at the cafeteria that's behind high school? I need to tell you something<3

The black haired guy took his schoolbag and hugged his dad goodbye at the door. His dad rushed to the bus station and he started walking to school.

To Aka💞🙄:
Sure hun, I miss u smmm🥺💞

When he arrived to school, he swallowed heavily and walked with Shūichi, one of the two second years in the volleyball club and one of the two only people there that actually respected him.

He had became the only one who Akaashi felt comfortable around.

"Hey 'Kaashi. How was your weekend?" The other setter asked without expecting too much of a reaction.

He almost fell when he looked up at Akaashi and saw the boy smiling.

Wait, since when did Akaashi smile?

"It was better than ever, I might say."

Shūichi kept staring at the older one and finally smiled back, happy to have what seemed to be like last year's Akaashi.

"Well, that's g-."

"Hey crybaby, watch where your going!"


Baby Don't Cut [BokuAka]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora