Part 5. Now you are among us.

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3rd face Pov.

Evan was put on a leash collar. They lead him down. Heb was pushed onto the couch and sorrounded. Evan himself is in a complete stupor.
"So. Listen, pussy. Since you are not a werewolf, and in our city strangers are treated differently, so..." - said Tyler, but Jonathan interrupted him.
"Stop, Tyler. So, new guy. We all know that you are a vampire. And we treat strangers like you in a special way. You'd better not know it. Tell us. Who are you? Where are you from? How did you get here? Who sent you here? I advise you to tell everything if you do not want problems." - he said calmly.
Realizing that these guys were serious, Evan had no choice but to tell everything.

Jonathan Pov.

"Okay. My name is Evan. Evan Fong. I'm from the vampire valley "red rose". Nobody sent me. I had reasons to enter your city by mistake." - Evan explained.
" "Red rose" valley? Something familiar." - said Craig, putting his finger on his chin.
"And what are the reasons for mistakenly entering our city?" - Luke asked.
"I... I was just looking for my brothers. But when i found myself in the forest, after a few minutes i realized that I had lost my way. I myself do not know why I entered your city. It was as if something was pulling me there. I can not explain. - Evan said.
"Brothers? You have brothers?" - Ryan asked.
"Yes. Four older brothers. They went hunting for prey. They always came back an hour later. And this time they stayed for a very long time. I got scared for them, and rushed to look for them. But in the end i got lost. I didn't want to believe that they died, just like my parents." - Evan said.
"Are your parents... dead?" - Lui asked.
"Yes. It happened when i was 15. I don't know how they died. We were just told about their death. Moreover, i knew about it in my dream." - Evan said.
"In a dreams?" - Marcel asked.
"Yes. When I sleep, i often dream about what will then be in reality. And this time i dreamed that my brothers told me that our parents were dead. After that I began to suffer from insomnia." - Evan said.
"Oh no. It so sad. I feel sorry for you." - Brock said.
"After leaving your city, i wanted to continue looking for my brothers, but you scared me." - Evan said. A small anger flashed in his eyes.
"Oh. Oops. This is my bad. Sorry." - i scratched the back of my head with a little blush. I realized that I arranged it all.
"Can you let me go now? I can make a promise that I will never cross the threshold of your city again, and no one will know about anything. I give you an oath." - Evan said, getting up and about to leave.
"Ah ah ah. No no, baby. Our city has one rule, for strangers like you." - grinned Marcel, taking the leash, not letting Evan leave.
"If you are in this city, there is no way back!" - we said together.
Evan's face turned shocked.
"So, baby. Now you are completely in our, one might say, paws. And don't try to run away. We will try to be gentle and affectionate with you. Well, if you try to run away, you'll get worse. You yourself will bring trouble on you." - Luke grinned.
Evan lowered his face in disappointment. "God damn it." His words were heard. He fell to his knees. I sat down to his level. Then i saw drops on the floor. Is it sweat? I lifted his chin with my index finger. His eyes were wet with tears.
"Come on. Do not cry. It won't hurt if you don't behave badly." - i said kindly.
"But... my brothers. I want to find them. Please. Let me go. I promise no one will know anything." - Evan cried.
"Sorry, babe. We would have let you go easily, but this rule was not invented by us. This is the decision of our kingdom - my parents. My father kill you and us if we break the rule. You don't want that, do you? Moreover, maybe your brothers are already in another world. And now they only dream that you live and be happy." - i tried to calm him down.
I hugged him to me.
"Brock. Where is your valerian? Pour some into the water and bring it here." - i ordered.
Brock rushed towards the kitchen.
"Hush. Hush. Everything will be fine. Think positive. Think about the fact that you alive." - i said.
Brock returned with a glass of water. We sat Evan down on the couch and gave him a glass. He calmly drank the water, and fell on the pillow, closing his eyes.
"This should help him. After sleeping, he will forget about everything bad, and may begin to get used to us." - Brock said.
"I hope you're right, Brock?!" - said Brian.
We left the little vampire on the couch. And we ourselves moved towards the kitchen. Out of the corner of my eye, i noticed Tyler moving his head around the vampire's neck and chest, kneeling. His tail wags as if in pleasure.
"TYLER! What the heck are you doing?" - i pissed at him.
Tyler jumped up and looked at me.
"I just sniffing him. It's just that the smell... is intoxicating." - he said.
"Then you sniff him. Come with us now. We need to discuss something together." - i said.
Tyler grunted and followed me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2020 ⏰

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