Weasley and Nicknames

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Third-person POV
Harry and Hermione jumped up at the sound of the door being slammed open. There was a tall, gangly, red-head boy who jumped into their compartment.
He said "Have you seen Harry Potter, The Boy Who Lived? I'm going to be his Best Friend!"
Harry and Hermione both cringed because he was talking so loud he was practically shouting.
Hermione answered, "Why yes I have seen him considering that I was sitting with him just 2 seconds ago."
He scrambled to introduce himself "I am Ron Weasley!"
The newly introduced 'Ron' started saying how he should come to sit with him and leave the 'bushy-haired-buck-toothed girl' as he dubbed Hermione.
Harry was up in a flash as soon as he said bushy.
"You will get out of this compartment, never come back and never insult my friend unless you want to disappear from the face of the Earth. Got it?"
Ronald managed to stutter out "I am sorry, I won't do it again!"
After Ron left, Harry decided to ask Hermione a question.
"Hey, Hermione?"
"Yes, Harry?"
"Is it okay if I give you a nickname? I love your full name but it is a little bit of a mouthful."
"Sure Harry, but only if I get to give you one too!"
"Ok, sure!"
After thinking for a bit Harry and Hermione both came with good nicknames for the other.
"We'll say them at the same time, okay?"
"1,2,3, go!"

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