Chapter 2

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Harry- I hiss holding my wrist as I look down at my hand still seeing it bleedy, good thing I didn't bring Samara of she would of attacked that pink bitch if a toad.

Severus- I am doing my rounds when I hear a hissing in pain noise. I turn the corner seeing the boy holding his wrist and looking down at his hands. I heard he got the detention because Weasley kept going on about the dark lord being back and Potter told him 'shut the fuck up' which got him the detention, if he hated sweared he would of gotten away with it. I walk over "is everything alright Mr Potter"

Harry- "Professor Umbridge used a blood quill on me within the detention"

Severus- "she doesn't know about your condition does she?"

Harry- I shake my head "only you, Madam Pomfrey and Professor Flitwick, couldn't trust anyone else while I decide my fate"

Severus- "on who side you truly are on?"

Harry- I nod "yeah, either freedom or still within the war, going more towards freedom though"

Severus- I know his indication "let's just say he is as everyone says him to be and that I too am on his side"

Harry- I nod "I know but muggle are dangerous not all of them but even if we have magic  they are still more powerful then us because we aren't taught to attack or defend ourselves without wands because he relie on our wands and nothing else"

Severus- "true, now please follow me Mr Potter, we shall get 'Shall not swear' mark off of your hand"

Harry- "Weasley's got 'I shall tell no lies' or something to do with lies on his hand, hopefully that will knock some sense into his head to think before he speaks but then again he is a right idiot"

Severus- "that he is"



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