Out of Character

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Note - There are a few things Regulus says and does that may baffle readers. They certainly baffled Sirius in this chapter, but like Sirius they'll get some form of answer regarding what he says and does in the next chapter. Also, Regulus theory which ends up actually working out involves something that bothered me regarding how the spell would work, yet also plays into Voldemort not really understanding how the magic he is using works.

The dread Sirius felt didn't go away when he stepped into the cave after Regulus. A quick look around revealed the only light sources as the tip of his brother's wand and a spout out in the middle of the cave in the distance which glowed green, yet the lights didn't cast much light. Despite the lack of light, Sirius glimpsed the water's edge which his younger brother approached while looking around for something. Regulus' fingers traced the air before shaking his head, as if unsure of something.

He watched his brother turn, looking specifically at Kreacher who also followed him into the dank place. "Kreacher, is this the place?"

"A little further to the right Master Regulus."

Sirius of course couldn't read Regulus and figure out what his younger brother planned. Instead, he watched his brother move a little to the right while Kreacher indicated Regulus was in the right place, but he muttered something Sirius couldn't hear. A green glowing chain appeared out of nowhere, soon followed by a glowing green boat. In the back of his mind, Sirius somehow knew the boat would allow them to cross the lake.

Regulus took a deep breath. "Theoretically, this should work."

"What do you mean theoretically?" Sirius shook his head, his misgivings continuing to grow.

Instead of answering the question, Regulus turned and looked at Sirius. "If I recollect, you got into trouble growing up for setting something on fire with magic."

"Oh. Thanks." Sirius knew full well he'd set some certain things on fire, much to the exasperation of his mother Walburga Black, but he didn't understand what that had to do with anything going on.

"That means you know fire spells." Regulus of course didn't pick up on the sarcasm in Sirius' voice, although this really wasn't anything new. "You'll probably need them. Actually, there is a high probability you'll need them." Sirius opened his mouth, but then Regulus said something else. "I'll get into the boat first, then you."

The feeling of dread didn't leave Sirius as Regulus stepped into the boat, remaining emotionless as ever as if they weren't in a serious situation. Hesitantly, Sirius got in himself, expecting the boat to sink, because somewhere in the back of his mind it didn't make sense for Lord Voldemort not to have spelled the boat to carry only one adult wizard or witch, but as he slid into a sitting position in the cramped boat, Regulus piped up. "Kreacher, meet us on the island."

"Yes, Master Regulus."

"By the way, don't touch the water."

This almost made Sirius touch said water accidentally as the boat took off across the body of water. "Bloody hell Regulus!"

Regulus of course looked at him in surprise like he'd seen his brother do so many times, yet this time it was accompanied with definite signs of mental strain from a lack of sleep among other things. "Didn't I tell you that this would theoretically work?"

"Regulus!" Sirius let out a huff, tucking his hands into his lap so he might not accidentally touch the lake and thus bring on whatever dangers lurked there. "Theoretically? Really? You could have forewarned me that you might not think this would have worked, couldn't you have?"

Upside Down Mirror: Saving Regulus (Harry Potter Fanfic)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα