author's note + table of contents

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A U T H O R ' S   N O T E

hello! welcome to 'avocado toast & other stories,' which is the first collection of drabbles i've ever written. i hope you enjoy and smile while reading! finding inspiration to write during these stressful times is still hard, but i'm always reminded on how much i miss it when i'm away. you're magic.

(please note that as this book expands, the table of contents will also be edited)

T A B L E   O F   C O N T E N T S

i. avocado toast - (completed)

ii. before you go, stay a while (completed)

iii. cherry cigarettes - (currently writing)

F I N A L   N O T E S

please remember to be respectful and courteous in the comments; this would be greatly appreciated. thank you.

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