Before Reading

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If you're reading this and not just skipping over it, welcome to Ever After! This has been such a long time coming and I am beyond excited to have you here!

In case you are unaware, this is a sequel to the book Once, so stop right here if you haven't read that and head back on over to my profile and check that out. It's buckets of fun, I promise. 

If you're not new, though, welcome to the long-awaited sequel to the romance of Harry and Ally! I'm am writing this literally six years after finishing Once, and it feels unreal that I've finally figured out how to revisit this story and tell the part of it that was missing all along (I really could go on forever about how much I love this story, maybe I'll publish a Q&A or something with some of the background afterwards when I'm done with the sequel)

Speaking of which, if it's been a hot minute since you read Once (ie before October/November of 2020), I ended up editing it and adjusting a few things. Nothing really major changed, so you don't have to reread the whole thing BUT I would recommend taking a look at Chapter 21 because I ended up changing why they broke up bc it was objectively dumb (you can also take a look at chapters 24 and 27 if you want to see Ally and Lizzie/Ally and Harry talk about it and unpack it a little more). 

But if you've already done that too, perfect! You are sequel-ready, baybee! In case you can't tell from the prologue and summary, this will be told from Harry's POV. Each chapter will flip back and forth between the present day and Harry telling his story during the time of Once so you get to see how he was feeling back then and what they're up to in modern times. 

Which reminds me, we're all here in this, ah, crazy year of 2020. I am a writer that likes realism, but I was very torn about whether or not to include the pandemic in this tale because I totally recognize that some people use reading to escape from the insanity of the world. So I have decided to just leave it vague and not include any major gatherings or anything but also not specifically write out that they're putting on masks before leaving the house, ect. If you want to forget about it, that totally works. If you want to be reminded of all the great stuff that can happen despite a worldwide pandemic, you can absolutely assume it's there underneath the overall plotline. Just know while it's not explicitly said, anything Harry and Ally do is safe and masked and social-distanced, they are my characters and they are NOT out here condoning or doing anything to further the spread. 

Got all that down? Great! In that case, buckle up, grab the popcorn and welcome back to the world of Harry and Allison. It's an honor to have you here. 



Ever After (Sequel to Once)Where stories live. Discover now