Help Me

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With a fake smile (Y/N) greeted people and tried to act as calm as possible. It would be too exhausting to tell her friends and other caring townspeople what was going on. With quick steps she rushed through the streets and felt relieved to reach her destination without any meetings.
Inside her shop, the first thing was getting everything packed to help her mother. Books, medicines, some herbs and other things for her journey, but more and more it was getting a bit out of hand. Sighing she stood helplessly before her bag, thinking of a way to carry all those things.

"(Y/N)? Something wrong?", a soft voice asked and let the girl jump of surprise.
"I forgot to close the shop.", she thought frustrated and wasn't expecting a customer so soon. Her look fell onto the Hero in green who was watching her chaotic packing with a worried expression.
"Link? Nothing is wrong. I.. I just have to leave for some time, but never mind. Are you hurt? Do you need anything? The shop will be closed for some time.", (Y/N) spoke nervously and noticed his wounded arm.
Sighing, but giving him a caring smile she pointed to a chair and got her bandages to help him.
" should really take care of yourself more. ", (Y/N) sighed deeply.

Chuckling about her reaction Link scratched his head embarrassed and took a seat.

"sorry (Y/N)..what happened that you have to leave in such a hurry?", he asked and hissed after feeling the desinfection on his wound. (Y/N) felt her tears rolling down her cheeks again. She wanted to keep it for herself. It was her past, her problem which shouldn't bother someone else, but Link's soft look and worried expression after noticing her shaken form let her gave up. Sitting down as well she told him what was on her mind. He listened carefully and was glad that he got her open up to him, because things wouldn't end well in his opinion.
"(Y/N) I am really sorry and understand that you want to get as soon as possible to your mother, but it's way too dangerous out there.", Link spoke seriously and got up to look into her bag.
"I know that I risk my life out there, but I can't stay here, while my mother needs me. Maybe I can heal her. The doctors don't have the knowledge that we have.", she spoke frustrated.
"With these things in your bag you will not only risk your life. You will die. No map, no weapons, no food... Water... And on top no experience.", he spoke angered while taking the things out of her bag.
"Link stop. I have to go. I will buy the other things on my way.", she came to his side and took the bag.
"Write her that it's too dangerous out there and you will send her some medicine and informations for the doctors.", he spoke in a demanding tone, but could already see that she wouldn't agree.

"No. I have to see her."

"(Y/N) I can't accept that."

"I know that I am risking everything. But I have to go. If you are that worried then Help me Link and come with me.", she blurted out and fell silent.

Sighing Link pitched his nose frustrated. "Yeah i am worried. Really worried...still I have work to do out there (Y/N)."

Nodding embarrassed she avoid his look and started to pack again. She had to go. Even if she was unexperienced. She didn't mean to ask that, but her fear reacted on its own. She didn't know what she was doing. What she should take with her. Was she able to get a horse? God the last time she was on such a majestic creature she was a little kid. How should this work?

"Promise me to do as I say.", his sudden words let her watch him mouth agape. Sighing deeply he came to her side and organized the chaos in her bag.

"You will come with me. On our way I have to finish some things, but it didn't take long. The journey would take some time. Your village is quite far from here. I recommend that you should send some red potion to your mother which help her feel better till we arrive.", he ordered strained while (Y/N) watched his doing with awe.

" That's an great idea. Thank you so much Link, but I don't want to be a burden and get in your way of your duties. If you are busy you shouldn't help me. ", she spoke uneasy and felt his hand on her head.

Smiling down he ruffled her hair.
"I am always busy, but knowing that you are out there alone isn't working either. There is always time to help you. See it as a thank you for all the treatment I got from you. Give me one hour to prepare some things. I meet you here. ", he told her and left the stunned girl alone.
Was she hearing right? Link was coming with her all the way to her mother. In a way she felt kind of relieved. To know that he was by her side let her calm down.
" a true hero... ", she whispered happily and got herself ready to leave.

At this point she didn't know it yet, but this journey was leading her to so much more than only her mother.

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