Chapter 4 (Be told)

Start from the beginning

"What does that mean Harry?" He shrugged his shoulder.

"It basically means Death" Hermione filled us in.

I didn't think to much of it but by the looks of Hermione & Harry face, it definitely meant something.

The class was dismissed & we all made are way towards the exit, I notice Harry & Hermione kept whispering about something.

"Did your brother ever talk about Hermione?" Ron stop me from walking with my brother, leaving me & Ron behind.

"Um no he didn't" I answered his question

"Well you don't sound to sure about that" I realized now that Ron may have a crush on Hermione.

"You don't have nothing to worry about Ron" I said to him while grabbing his shoulder & he gave me a hug. I did hug him back but I was confused on why, maybe because he thought Harry and Hermione had something going on & he was reveal.

"Ahh moving onto the Weasly boy, Was potter to boring for you?" He laugh out loud & his friends laugh with him.

"Shut your mouth Malfoy" Ron turn to face him.

"Mmm not very friendly" He smirk while looking me up & down, making Ron look at me then back at Malfoy.

Ron pulled me to the side "I think Malfoy may have a crush on you"

"What no he doesn't" I quick said while almost interrupting him.

"That idiot doesn't deserve you anyways." He smiled while pulling me back into the hall way.

In the Gryffindor Common Room

"Don't be so boring come join us in the common room" A girl from Gryffindor came into are room to join them, but me & Hermione declined the offer. We needed to work on Professor Snape homework.

"I don't think that Professor likes me very much" I said while sitting on Hermione bed.

"Don't take it to the heart, he doesn't really like anyone" She closed her book & got comfortable.

"Besides Professor Lupin is better" We both laughed at her comment knowing it was true.

"Sirius Black huh?" I took the newspaper that was on top of Hermione bed.

"Wasn't he the guy that escaped Azkaban?" I turn to to look at Hermione. She just side eyed me & kept working. "Do you mind if I keep this?"

"Uhh I need that for something" She quickly said while taking it away from my hand. I nodded my head & started to work on my homework.

"I change my mind let's have some fun" Hermione closed her books while running up to my desk.

"I have some poly juice potions"  She sounded very Convincing, I didn't know who I wanted to impersonate but I had a feeling this was gonna be a good.

"How about we turn into someone's minions" I suggested. She quickly smiled & took out the poly juice. I was excited for what we were gonna do, I had some questions that needed to be answered. What better way to ask them someone's else body.

Draco POV

This castle was getting uglier by the days, what will I ever do without it. All the Slytherins were in the common room chatting & partying. I didn't join them because that annoying girl was their, I decided to go for another walk around the class maybe I'll run into the new girl once again.

As I walking I heard whispering from the end of the hall ways, I tried to listen but I couldn't quite understand who was their or what they were saying. It sound like 2 girls ? I guess will find out.

"Who's their?" I shouted loud enough for them to hear & then the whispers stop.

"Good Evening Malfoy" That mud blood was their, but she started to walk away. For a second I thought it was the other girl.

"Malfoy my bestie" Goyle came up the same way the mud blood was coming from.

"Bestie? What are you 7" I gave him a filthy look by what he has just called me.

"Are we not friends? Draco I mean Malfoy sir?" Goyle kept of stuttering on his words.

"Your acting wired, it doesn't matter anyways. Have you seen Nina?" I spat out

"Nina which Nina the hufflepuff one or the-"

"The only Nina in this school idiot" I basically yelled at him, why was he acting so wired & stupid?

"That Nina oh, no I haven't but why do you care?" Goyle was looking at me like if he was about to punch me if I don't answer his question.

"How many times do I have to remind you, she might may have something to do with Sirius Black"
I grab him by his shoulders & shook him.

"Don't touch me, the hell is wrong with you?, I mean yeah yeah I know that Malfoy" He sounded familiar like someone I already know. If this is who I think it is, it's going to be a good night.

"Goyle did you bring me my favorite fruit, you do know what it is right?" I said to Goyle or whoever was pretending to be him.

"Of course I do but I forgot it in the cafeteria" he spat out

"Mmm what a shame, what was it again my favorite fruit?" I put them to the test to find out if this was really Goyle.

"A peach Malfoy?"

That's all I needed to hear, it is her.

"Your absolutely right, anyways that Nina girl she's beautiful right?" Let's see if she breaks out of character.

"I guess" She said while widening her eyes.

"I mean if I was with her right now all the things I would do to her" I said slightly walking towards her.

"I just need her to be here with me, I would-" I got interrupted by her before I could finish.

"Merlin stop please" she covered her ears and was looking at the ground.

"Don't ever try to do that again" then I walk away, feeling proud of what I just did.

All I said was the truth & she couldn't handle it.

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