Chapter 2 : Everything's okay now

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The dark .. that's all she could remember. Her hands trembled as she walked through the halls of that house. The coldness that ran in from the windows, the wind causing her to shiver. That's when she saw him. His voice .. his voice deeper then usual, she could tell his soul wasn't there anymore. His body looked the same but it was just a shell of his former self," Jesse..?" She called out to him as her voice tried to bare what was happening. She was terrified this would happen ever since they found out. The truth about his mom, the woman who murdered her. She took away his life for something she didn't even know existed. She believed in something powerful .. more powerful then herself. She took that away from him. His heart beated the same but that doesn't mean he's the one feeling anything. She felt fear. Her eyes opened as the cold sweat dripped down her face, her sight landing on the ceiling. It felt like a nightmare, maybe sleep paralysis almost but it was just her mind, her memory of that night replaying in her head. Her heart pounded. Her hands placed beside her on her bed as her body slowly rose from the bed. She tried to get a hold of herself. The darkness always seemed to be greater then light to her. Her eyes moved around the room as they landed on the camera on the far side of her bedside table. Her fingers laced the strap pulling it towards her causing it to fall in her lap. The screen slowly attached to her eyes as it flashed on causing her to jump slightly," Hey its Jesse ..," The voice almost like it was right next to her. The same guy .. that's the guy she fell in love with. The videos continued to roll until it him standing in the bathroom pulling a long eyelash from his eye that seemed like it lasted forever. It made him jump until he threw it away. The fear he had, it switched to her changing places. That's all it does, that's what it wants. Whatever it is. A monster could be a name, but there's darker purposes for it. Tears rolled down her cheeks as the camera played audio of a scream. Jesses's face appearing on screen. His veins were black as well as his eyes being hollow to the light. She dropped the camera beside her as the audio continued. Small whimpers coming from him as she cried. She knew what it recorded. Their last moment together.. the last time she saw him. The camera tipped over the edge falling off her bed as she jumped staring down at it almost like she asked it how dare you. But it could be natural causes. 

The screen lite up as she looked into the mirror. She looked at herself, her reflection. She was older now from the last time she was in here. The place felt colder. But then again everything did to her, she would have to progress into her new surroundings. She coughed slightly to clear her throat," I've never done this before ... umm .. hi, it's Jen ... this was my b-boyfriends camera," She said. Her eyes shifting down to the counter along the sink. The heartbreak was trying to set in but a part of her paused it. Like it wasn't the time. Something was blocking it," Jen! Come downstairs breakfast is ready," she heard her mom call on the other side of the door. She took one last look at the mirror before closing the frame. She walked downstairs the instant smell of the food hitting her senses. She pulled the chair out sitting down at the table," You okay?" She asked as she propped the camera up. Her mother being slightly suspicious but if this was going to be a new hobby or coping mechanism maybe it would help," Yea .. just a rough night," She said as her mother handed her a plate before sitting beside her. She put her hand behind Jen's head pulling her closer as she placed her lips on her forehead before pulling away. When she left before there wasn't much affection. She actually stayed quiet towards her including Jesse maybe that would change now. She took another glance at her mom before starting to eat. Later on in the day after some hours passed she continued to watch the videos trying her best to live in the memories given to her but she would always find a reason not to go back there. She always found a video of him, the other thing. Not Jesse. It couldn't be him. He could still be there. Maybe a stage of denial she was entering but for her thoughts maybe it's a small amount of hope but it wouldn't stay forever. Hector's voice shook as the camera zoomed on Jesses face. He was sweating, but she remembered them trying to take him to the hospital but instead he pushed his grandmother down the stairs causing her to run over and for Hector to make sure she was alright. All those moments she had with him maybe they weren't true, his feelings at least. Maybe he didn't love her. It was just an illusion to get in her head. 

The moonlight shined in her room as Jen placed her arm around her stomach. Her muscles tightened as her eyebrows furrowed trying to fight it. She could hold back until she sat up leaning her head over. Her eyes watered until she looked down speechless. It was black. A black liquid spread out in the floor. Something had to be wrong with her .. this wasn't right. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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