Day of creation.

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Somewhere on a floating island In the vast skies of Skylands sat a laboratory, at first glance it seemed abandoned but then when looking closer you can see all sorts of things like pipes transporting forms of liquids, lights flickering and even the occasional bolts of lightning coming from nowhere. There are the occasional, lost mabu ships but they just float past the island. But that's only the outside, the inside is where the more..  one could say, un-ordinary happens.

Just through the entrance in the inside, there are pipes along the walls with glowing green goop, giant cogs moving, conveyor belts moving boxes of all different sizes, clouds of steam and green smoke lingering around in the air and a faint noise of voices chattering. going further into the laboratory over a mechanical bridge that extends over a stream of the same glowing green goop inside the pipes. The further one goes in, the more pipes, conveyor belts, smoke, boxes, mechanical tools, and machines can be seen. 
Now. The source of the chattering came from a room filled with different building and machine tools, with non-other than the mad scientist himself, Doctor. Krankcase accompanied by a ghost-like elven creature, hair black as shadows, grey skin with lighter patches of skin much like vitiligo skin and eyes like the full moon, bright and beautiful. 

'' And obviously, you'll need to be careful when you first test the suit out'' Krankcase explains to the ghost.

'' Yeah, got that part. you've only said that like 6 times throughout this conversation'' The ghost says rolling their eyes.

''Good. At least you listen'' krankcase says sighing.

''It must be annoying when you've explained and no one was paying attention, I should know, I've been completely blanked .'' the ghost says cross-armed with an annoyed expression.

''Yeah, it can get really annoying but, there's not much I can do. They are bad after all.'' the doctor says shrugging while doing some finishing touch-ups on the suit he mentioned. The ghost sat patiently smiling.
*Finally I'll have a body again... it's been so long* The elven ghost thought to themselves watching Krankcase finish.

''Alright, just need to put the goop in and it'll be working no problem'' Krankcase said connecting a tube to the back of the robotic body.

'' Wonderful! Thanks again. Can't describe how happy I am'' The elven ghost, despite being an ice-cold ghost, had a warm smile that went from ear to ear.

(( just going to point this out, the ''suit'' is similar to this))

(( though it's the same material and glowing eyes, there are only two legs, the body is much like an elven body except it's taller, it easily towers over Krankcase without his hat on

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(( though it's the same material and glowing eyes, there are only two legs, the body is much like an elven body except it's taller, it easily towers over Krankcase without his hat on.))

(( not me crying about how bad this looks ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ))

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(( not me crying about how bad this looks ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ))

They continued chatting until a loud ping caught their attention, the suit was ready. Excited the Elven ghost leapt up from where they sat, despite the fact they're a ghost and have no need to sit.
''You should be able to possess it like any other object unless there's one thing missing...'' the doctor started mulling to himself, the ghost just chuckled and cut him off
''There is one thing missing,-'' the doctor shut up and looked up at the ghost as they held their hands up revealing a small crystal shard, it's black that fades into grey with small specks of purple glistening in the light. ''-this is a soul shard. This, as the name obviously suggests, has my soul inside, if this were to break I'd truly cease to exist in this world pretty much. '' they said shrugging as if it weren't major. 
''Ah, so that's why you asked me to add this to the suit'' he pointed at a sharp four-cornered diamond shape in the middle of the suit's chest. The elf nodded floating over to the suit, ''Let's hope this will truly work'' they said smiling hopefully. As the ghost put the shard into the diamond-shaped hole they vanished, the shard lit up. The doctor watched fascinated as the suit made small twitches and movements.  The eyes lit up, the left had a white glowing ring and the right a green power symbol. Long black shadow like hair materialized onto the head, they smiled happily.
''It works! ahh, it feels so good to be in a body again.'' The former elven ghost now possessing the suit, twirled around and moved the arms around posing as if she had a sword in her right hand.  Dr krankcase was equally as happy, seeing one of his many creations move around flawlessly, the voice and face of the suit looked fantastic as if it were a real body.
''You will definitely attract a lot of attention, which I see as a brilliant thing. Others will see what I can make'' the doctor smiled ''B-but don't think I'm just using you for my own-'' he put his hands up waving them, the elf put their finger on his mouth and chuckled ''It's fine, I don't think that calm down'' they shook their head. They maliciously smiled ''Skylands will finally see what we are both capable of'' she laughed.

They will see...

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