Operation Love Struck and The Which one is Hikaru and Kokichi game

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Shuichi's POV
I walk into the classroom to see the Ouma's sitting on their desks between the Hitachiin twins the one on the left sparked my interest he was sitting on his desk with his legs crossed watching his brother play a game staring at him in admiration he looked almost like a puppy I can't really tell the difference between the two but he was always the one who was the most affectionate in the group,always helping but once the twins and his brother came along he'd be a complete jerk and you really can't tell them apart
Girl "Kokichi,Kokua?"
Girl 2 "Hikaru,Kaoru"
Twins "What is it?"
Girl 2 "We were wondering if you wanted to come to a party we were throwing the whole schools gonna be there!"
Ouma's "None of us wanna come to some lame party smelling like sweat and licquor"
I walked over and asked what they were talking about and the girls told me
Shuichi "They'll be there all of them"
Twins "Hey"
The twins ran to the halls to see if they could see the girls and they disappeared
Twins "tch dammit they're gone"
Ouma (on the left) "Whatever we don't have to go just because pretty boy says we are
Ouma (right) "True
The twins just nodded
The Ouma twin (left) stared at me then rolled his eyes and smirked
Ouma (left) "Ah~ I know you your the Saihara kid in the other group of heartbreakers. How annoying"
Ouma(right) "You must think just because your a year older that you have authority of us
Ouma (L)"Honestly I hate people like you thinking your better than everyone else because of your status it really bugs me
Ouma(R) Exactly so leave us alone already
I'll be damned if I give up that easily
Saihara How about this I'll play your little game the guessing game you two made up
Ouma(R) Hmmm...Deal

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2022 ⏰

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