Chapter 2; The Beginning

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It was freshman year. Ryan and I had been best friends since we were our sons age. We're 20 now.  Though, then, it wasn't easy. I lived with my alcoholic father, and life sucked. I prayed, all the time, that something would give. Finally, in Biology class, on September 5th. Ryan and I were paired as partners. We were best friends, but I had the biggest crush on him. Though, I didn't know it then, the feeling was mutual. I worked so hard to not let him know. I mean, really?  The captain of the jr varsity football team and the awkward, book- loving farm kid together?  Please!  Though, he's always saw it differently.

When we first got together, I refused to let him come inside. "My dads asleep," or some other lame excuse to save him for the nightmare of my home life. Finally, my dad did what he's been threatening to do for years, kick me out. I let Ryan come home to tell my dad with me. He just got in from feeding cattle and now, it was time to let the chaos begin. "Daddy, Ryan and I have something we want to talk to you about."  I quietly say, A huge fake smile plastered in place. "What you got 5 minutes."  He grunted. I sighed. So this is how he's gonna act?  Okay, then.  "Daddy, well, Um, I'm pregnant."  I quietly say. My dad chokes on his beer.  "What?" He growls and leans on the edge of his recliner. "If you think, I'm going to let you keep that baby, Daysie Snow Carpenter, you got another thing coming! Go to your room, you don't get any dinner tonight!"  He screams.  Then his glazy blue eyes stare into Ryan. "And, you!  You did this to my daughter, didn't you?  Well, you know what!  Take her. Don't ever come back, Daysie. If you want to get knocked up and lose everything I have worked for then do it!  But don't show that little whore face around here ever again!  Get out!"  All the air knocks out of me.  His words are on replay in my head. "Get out!"  That's what he'd said. "Get out?" I sob. "Daddy, no. Where will I go?"  I fall to my knees. Ryan rushes over to me. "Daysie baby, look at me." He coos. I look at the boy I've been madly in love with for several years and the tears just start streaming, faster. "Hm?" I ask, feeling utterly defeated.  "Come with me." He pulls me to my feet, and leads me to my bedroom.  "Pack bags.  Your coming home."  He says as if it all makes sense.  "Coming home?" I feel lightheaded. He smiles, shyly. "Yeah, I already talked to my mom.  You're gonna come live with us, okay?"  I start crying again.  "You told your mom that I'm pregnant??" I sob. He crouches down next to me and pulls me into his chest on my bedroom floor. "No, we're telling her when we get home. I just asked if you could move in."  He says, again, as if it's the simplest thing. I nod, bewildered. "Okay." I sigh. He smiles and passes me a trash bag. "But, my stuff... how? How are we gonna get it all?"  I ask.  He comes up to me and gently caresses my cheek with his thumb. "Just get essentials. We got the rest, okay?"  I nod. 

As Ryan finishes putting the last bag in the trunk, I get into his car. He slides in next to me and grasps my hand. He pulls it up to his mouth, and kisses it. "I will take care of you."  He promises. "Do you trust me?" With tear stains fresh on me cheeks, I take one last look at my childhood home, and nod. "Yes, Ryan.  I do."  I say, and smile. He blushes. "It won't be easy, baby.  We're only 15, and my mom will help, the best she can.  But, I'm gonna quit football and get 2 jobs, okay?"  I choke on my spit.  "Quit football?? Ryan, no!  You can't quit football!"  I feel a panic attack coming on. He puts his palm up to my cheek and smiles. "I've been wanting to quit, anyways. It's no biggie." He assures me, but I'm not assured. I sigh. "Mom asked me to pick her up some McDonalds on our way home. You want some?"  I smile. He knows me so well. "Uh, duh! Geez babe!"  I laugh, and he joins in.

Once we get back to his moms, she meets us at the door.  "Ryan said that you guys wanted to talk to me during dinner. So, I told him to pick up McDonalds. Besides, we have too much to do tonight to make dinner!" She laughs.  I smile, shyly. "Okay, mom.  Chill, Let Daysie come in before you go on a rampage." He chirps, leans over and kisses my forehead then walks over and kisses his mom on the cheek. "Dinner time?"  He smiles.  I nod, shyly and follow behind him. We sit down, and Ryan gets all the food and drinks passed out and sits down next to me. "So, mom, Daysie and I wanted to talk to you." He smiles, reassuringly at me. She smiles and nods. "Okay! But let me take a bite first." She giggles. "Daysie and I, well, we're pregnant." He blurts out. His moms eyes go wide, and then she abruptly stands up. Suddenly, she starts choking.  I rush to her side, and hand her the drink Ryan got her and lightly pat her back.  She smiles, and then starts crying. I look at Ryan, unsure. Ryan comes behind me and looks at his mom.  He raises his eyebrows and as he opens his mouth to speak, she cuts him off.  "Oh my gosh! Are you serious?"  She giggles.  I stand there in confusion. "You're not mad?" I ask.  She laughs, "heavens no!  I'm so happy!  Why in the world would I be mad?"  She wraps me in a hug. It's my turn to start crying. "Oh, baby, did I do something to upset you?"  She asks.  I shake my head, and sigh. "No, my dad kicked me out and called me a whore when we told him."  She shakes her head.  "I'm sorry, sis. But, here?  You're home.  Ryan called me and said your dad kicked you out and I couldn't say no!  We love you, Daysie. You're our family, too."  She smiles and hugs me again. I sigh and silently thank God for giving me this sweet boy and his mom.

We sit down and all start eating. Then, his mom leads us to the living room and turns on a movie. "You kids okay with The Labyrinth?" She asks.  Ryan looks down at me where I'm laying on his chest. I smile, and say, "it's perfect!"  She makes popcorn and smoothies. Later, I wake up, and Ryan and his mom are talking. "Please, Ryan, don't be like your dad." She quietly says. He scoffs, "mom, I was raised by you. I'll never do what dad did to us to Daysie and our baby."  She sighs, "I know son, but women have to look out for each other. And I just wanna have this talk now, before she's too far along.  Are you sure your ready?  Daysie is a good girl, and you're my son, and I love you. Just do the right thing, okay. Be a good daddy."  He smiles down at me, not knowing I'm awake. "Mom, I've been in love with this girl since I was 5.  I'm not losing her, I won't mistreat her, and I won't leave, ever."  She smiles, "okay, son.  Maybe you should wake her up and get her to bed?"  He nods.  "Daysie baby, wake up."  He nuzzles his nose into the crease of my neck, and kisses softly. "Hmm?" I yawn.  "Do you wanna go to bed, princess?"  He coos. I smile and nod. "Please?"  I start to get up. I start heading for Ryan's room, and as soon as I lay down and I feel Ryan slide into bed next to me, I'm asleep.

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