WBS: Chapter 1

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Mew's POV

"Daaaddddyyyy!" Rain shouted.

I was busy talking to someone in my phone when I heard my son shouting.

"Sorry, I'll call you again later Art." I said to him.

I heard him chuckled on the other line.

Art is my boyfriend. We've been together in a year now.

"That cutie Rain, is he having a problem again with his nanny?" he asked.

"Yeah I guess so!"

"Go ahead, my manager is already here. Time for photoshoot!" he said.

Art is a model of a well known brand clothing company. He's been working as model for almost 3 years.

I bid my goodbye to him before I ended my call.

I went to the living room to check what is happening. My son Rain, is having another problem with his nanny. His making a tantrums.

I facepalm, don't know what to do anymore with this kiddo. I'm having a hard time hiring and firing at the same to someone just to baby sit this little monster.

"What's your problem again this time? " I asked him. By looking at him now his pouting and crossing his arms to his chest.

"I don't like her!" he said while pointing and pouting his new nanny.

"You don't like her for no reason?Rain stop being so stubborn will you?"

He picked one of his toy and  to my surprise, he throw it to the poor lady.

"Go away you ugly! I don't like you!"

"Rain! Say sorry to her! What you did was not right!" I scolded him.

"No way!" he said and walk out.

He went straight to his room. This kiddo is getting into my nerves.

I look at his nanny. Poor nanny. She's crying silently while cleaning all the messed done by my son.

"I'm sorry!" i said to her.

She's still sobbing.

"Sir I don't like this job anymore. I can't take his attitude!" she said.

"Can you just stay here for one day? Just give me one day to find another nanny for him?"

"No sir. Please fire me now!" she said while pleading to me to fire her.

I sighed deeply and nodded. As if I have a choice. She's the eighth person who I accepted for this job and for the eight times I  fired another nanny.

I couldn't stop her from packing her things and leaving my mansion. I handed her salary in just a day for taking good care of my son.

"Thank you sir and goodbye!" she said still sobbing while leaving the mansion.

I let out a deep breath and went to Rain's room.

I found him playing with his favorite toy, Luffy the monkey. His favorite character in One piece.

I patted his head. "Rain you shouldn't do that to your nanny. I don't know where to find another nanny for you anymore!" 

He looked at me sadly. "I don't need nanny daddy. All I want is my mommy!"

Here we go again. He keep on asking for his mother. He wanted me to find that woman.

That woman is nowhere to be found.

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