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Lee Haewon, an ordinary girl who has a boring life and a boring childhood.

Just like what other people refers her, she's plain, boring and too innocent to their liking. She even have this bubbly personality that everyone makes them dislike her even more. Everyone, but her one and only friend which is also her cousin, Lee Gongmin.

Though those things didn't affect Haewon. Not until she started feeling lonely.

Too lonely, to be exact.

Well, who wouldn't when people around her would display their affection towards their partner right in front of her face, bragging their sweet convos to everyone, and sweets would come by the door of their classroom which were sent by their partners.

And so Haewon thought she wanted those too.

She wanted to have a sweet conversation with someone; have chocolates, flowers that'll be delivered to her and also to brag to everyone that she also has someone that would date her... She wanted to experience those too.

So Haewon tried going to blind dates that her friend set up, which she forced her to do so. But nothing worked. They would end up telling her she's too loud and too much for them, or they would bluntly say she is not their type.

And so she gave up, accepting the fact that no one would end up liking her in blind dates. She gave up on hoping to experience those stuff that every girl experiences with their partners.

Though one night, when she was surfing on her instagram account, those urges to have someone in her life came back after seeing the posts of her classmates with their partners on their accounts.

So Haewon decided, or more like will experiment one thing....

And that is to text a stranger.

Haewon tapped random numbers on her phone screen and messaged them, totally oblivious that the number she just texted was owned by the youngest billionaire in Korea.

Hi! If you don't reply, you'll
pay my whole year tuition fee!
*Seen 22:14

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