Author Pov*

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A girl strolls down the streets of Tokyo. She takes a quick turn around a corner and into an alley way to be surrounded by a group of men. She stands there with her hands in her pockets, not saying a word. "Give us everything you got," says the one in front. Again the girl doesn't move. He pulls out a gun and points it at her head. "Don't make me repeat. Get her boys." Two of them run towards her only to be knocked down by a swoosh. They look up to see the girls leg still up. They growl as they reach in their pockets. They each look surprised to find them empty. The girl then throws two hand guns in front of them. "When did you take that." The boss growls. " Get up you bums and kick her ass." The girl walks towards the boss. She stops right in front of him with his gun to her head. She gives him a look like daggers. He feels his arms shake. What the hell is with this girl. The girl kicks him in the stomach. He accidentally pulls the trigger as he falls, only leading to a bullet to one of his comrades heads. She round house kicks the other behind her and looks back over to the man in front of her. She lifts her foot up and slams it down on his crotch. The man screams in agony and pain. The girl walks away with her hands tucked into her pockets. She continues down the alley way.

Izuku's POV

After kicking their sorry asses I continue down the alleyway. It's a real fast shortcut to home even though it's filled with thugs everyday. I roll my eyes and decide to climb up a latter leading to a roof. Eraserhead thinks he's so slick, following me around like this. I sit down on the roof and decide to just wait. I wanna know what he's gonna do. " I know you're there," I finally shout after 20 minutes. I tilt my head so that he see my masked face. I pull out a little stick and put it to my mouth. He decides to approach me. I quickly turn my head and blow. A small dart shoots out and into his leg. He starts to wobble so I shoot one more. I would aim for his head but that damn scarf is in the way. I get up and jump off the building. I grab onto the metal latter and run home. I pull out a key and unlock the door. As soon and the door opens I'm tackled to the ground. I look up to see my precious golden retriever, Miracle. I rub her head and she crawls off of me. " Hey girl," I say as I rub her head. I stand up and sit down on the couch softly, doing my best to not wake up my cat, Midnight. I throw my head back and close my eyes. I feel a small weight crawl into my lap. "Sorry, did I wake you girl." I keep my eyes close as I pet her head. She snuggled into my touch and her soft purrs become audible.

I slowly open my eyes and glance over to the clock on the wall. My eyes widen. "Shit." I spring off the couch and rush to my bedroom. I pull out a pair of black shorts and a gray shirt with cute pandas in the pocket. I pull my dyed black hair into a ponytail and rush out the house. I arrive in front of Ava's Cat Café. I walk in to immediately be approached by a magazine to the head. I look up to see Ms. Ava standing in front of me. " Heeeeeeey, Miss Ava," I stretch out. I have dealt with wannabe villains, thugs, and thieves but none of them were as scary as her. She has the aura of the devil when she's mad. " You're late," she throws her finger in my face. She grabs my ear and pulls me behind the counter. " Get to work." I nod my head rapidly and throw on an apron. A man with shaggy black hair and tired, baggy eyes walks up to the counter. I immediately recognize him. " Hello sir, may I have your order and name." He simply nods his head and gives me his order. So Eraserheads name is Aizawa huh. Five minutes later I call Out Aizawas name and he comes up and takes his his order. " Thanks, Viper," he says as he walks away. My eyes widen. What did he say. He walks out the glass door, leaving me there stunned.


I walk out of the café with Eraserhead still in mind. I plug in my galaxy wireless earbuds and continue my walk to the store. I have Christina Aguilera blasting in my ear as I walk down the street. I stop in front of a bar downtown. I walk in and head behind the counter. I throw on my apron and begin work. At 12 o'clock I find myself walking out the door as usual. At 12:30, I'm kicking butt in the alley way on the way home. At 12:31 I'm calling out Eraserhead for spying on me and by 12:40 I'm walking through my doors. I plop down on my couch and groan. Life's way too tiring. I throw my legs up on the sofa and snuggle into myself. I close my eyes. I start having the strangest dream. I see.... a Caterpillar? I blink my my eyes to double check. It's a giant caterpillar. The hell. It rolls over and it has a face. I don't mean like little bug eyes. I mean long black hair and mega eye bags. Eraserhead... He gives off this creepy smile. What is he planning. In less than a second he's now standing in front of me... Doing the chicken dance. The hell? Now I hear ringing. Why do I hear ringing? Probably my alarm. Wait, my alarm! I pop up from the sofa and rush into my bedroom. I roll across my bed and land on the four. I slam my hand atop my alarm clock and rush to my closet. I throw on a blue crop top, and ripped jeans. My sandles have fur atop with the words "Puma" sewed in the top. I grab some money and my phone and rush out the door. I paint my long nails blue as I run. A talents I've picked up. Halfway there I close the nail polish bottle and stick it in my pocket. I give them the next half to dry. I burst through the cafe door and look up at the clock. As soon as s my eyes landed on the clock the hand hit 8:00am. I see Ms. Ava coming through the back door and I rush behind the counter. "How may I help you sir?" I say to the first person to walk up to the counter. By 3:00pm my normal schedule starts. At 12:40 pm I'm once again walking through my door. I walk into my bathroom and place my contacts in the case. I walk in my room and return to the bathroom with a red nightgown that stops at my knees. I brush my teeth and strip out of my clothes. I start the warm water and step into the shower. I let the water run through my hair and down skin. I grab my detangling brush. I brush every knot and curl from my hair and reach for the shampoo. I close my eyes as I pour a bunch in my hand. I rub them together and mix it in my hair. I claw at my scalp and as I comb them through my hair. The black dye in my hair runs down my back as my natural green hair is revealed. I hate it. I hate its color. I hate its texture. I hate the quirk that came along with it. It reminds me of them so bad. The fighting. The abuse. The flames. I rinse my hair out and reach for where I know the conditioner is. I rub it in and rap my hair around my head. I secure it with a gray shower cap and let it sit. I scrub the dirt off my body along with with any evidence of the day. I slip the shower cap off and rinse the conditioner out of my hair. I turn the shower nobs after my eyes reopen. I give them a few seconds to adjust and step out of the shower. I wrap my body in a white towel. I don't bother to ring my hair out as I dry my body. I slip my night gown on and tiredly walk to my bedroom. I flip the light switch off and plop down on my bed. The ceiling fan is on turbo, just the way I like it. The next thing I know I'm waking up to my beeping alarm clock. I stumble out if my bed with my head spinning like crazy. My thick, curly hair is still a bit damp but I don't care. I slip on some jean shorts and a white button down shirt. I pull my hair to the side. I'm too dizzy to do anything with it. I don't feel like packing my leather suit so I just wear my extra like I did the night before home. I slip on some sneakers and head to work. I walk through the door only go Ms. Ava to rush up to my. "Oh dear, my child you look horrible." I feel like passing out but I resist the urge. " I'm fine," I reassure her. I make my way behind the counter before she can say another word. Once my 12'clock lunch break hits Ms. Ava rushes up to me. " Darling, you've looked like a zombie all morning. Even your hairs turned green." Well shit. "Don't worry Momma A, I'm fine. I just died my hair last night." "And your eyes?" Damn, how much did I forget this morning. "Their just contacts." I feel a pair of warm hands cup my cheeks.  "Oh my," she gasp. "Your burning up." I let out a silent sigh and shrug my shoulders. "I'm fine," I tell her. I walk away before she can protest. I push through the backroom doors and pull a gingerbread man shaped mug from the cabinets.

Street Fighter; Viper(Izuku Midoriya Bada**)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن