Dance prt.2

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Next day
Me and the girls we're at lunch they refused to talk to me
Zuri: and he looks so good in that hat
Tiff: yes he does
I rolled my eyes at them
They walked away so I'd decided to sit with bee cabin
Ari: hey Leah what's wrong
Leah: oh nothing how are things with you
Ari: I'm going to the dance with this really cute CIT from eagle cabin
Leah: good for you
After lunch
I went to the boys cabin
Leah: hey griff
Griff: oh hey wanna cuddle
Leah: sure
I laid by his side is arms around my waist
Griff: so I get to dj the dance isn't that cool
Leah: that's awesome griff
After cuddling
I went back to my cabin
Zuri: well if it isn't little miss fake friend
Tiff: yeah really fake
Leah: wow really mature ladies Jelousy is not a good look
Tiff: what do we have to be jealous about
Leah: that I'm- never mind
I walked back into the bathroom
I can't believe I almost told them about going to the dance with griff
I used the bathroom then left the cabin again to go find Emma
Leah: hey Em
Emma: hey
Leah: what's wrong
Emma: I lost my best friend and boyfriend
Leah: oh I'm so sorry but you gotta admit you we're kinda being jealous but I would understand you caught you your boyfriend leaning down on you best friend
Emma: I know right I guess I'll go to the dance alone
Leah: it's ok I'm sure you'll get your best friend and boyfriend back soon
Emma: I hope so
Leah: well I gotta go so bye
Emma: bye
I went to griffs cabin again
Jorge:they totally want me
He ran out
Leah: ok then
Griff: don't ask
Leah: I won't
Griff: so how my favorite girl doing
Leah: really good
Griff: that's good
He kissed my cheek
The next day
I went to my cabin
So see the girls all looking sad
Leah: geez smells depressed in here
Zuri: oh be quiet Leah
Tiff: yeah no one asked you
Leah: geez
Lou:ate least your guys best friend didn't think you were kissing her boyfriend
Emma: I said sorry
Lou: sorry domestic fix everything
Leah: well I'm gonna start getting ready for the dance tonight
Tiff: don't be sad when we dance with griff
Zuri: yeah
Leah: mhm ok
I said walking into the bathroom and closing the door

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2020 ⏰

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