Ep. 1: Leo's Arrival

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AN (Autor's Note): This story will be a redo of 101 Dalmatian Street but with 1 extra member that'll join the family and a few twists in it. Hope ya'll like it!

Leo belongs to me,

It was a cold, snowy night at a Factory in Switzerland. Inside of the factory, a buff looking guard/worker human walked down the halls with a hairless cat on his shoulder, pushing a cart of several dog bowls with some strange slop like food in them, and walked into a room as there was a lot of barking coming from jail-like cells.

In those cells were different dogs in them, barking at the human. The cat hissed at the dogs as it saw the dogs barking at the human.

The human opened one of the doors of the cell which had a few messy-looking dogs in there, which were a boxer, Chihuahua, Scottish Terrier, and a light blue Labrador, who was sitting and watching the human walking in with a cart of food bowls.

The human passed them to the few dogs in there, gets out, and closed the door, unaware of the labrador rolling a small spray-paint can to keep the door from closing all the way.

The human and the cat walked out of the room after giving the dogs their food and were not out of sight.

Labrador: *Sighs in relief* Okay, mates. We can now get out of this mess! *looks at the other dogs that he shared the cell with*

Boxer: Leo, you sure about this, dog?

Leo (Blue Labrador): I'm sure about this, Billy! We're not gonna spend another day in this prison! It's now or never. What do ya say, mate?

Billy: *Sighs* Alright, lil brother. Let's go.

Leo: *Smiles and nods and looks at his 2 other friends* Scott, Chico? You mates in?

Chico (Chihuahua): *Smiles* Si (Yes)! That means yes!

Scott (Scottish Terrier): Ay! I'm in with ya as well, laddies.

Leo: Perfect! Let's go!

Leo opened the door slowly and looked around and saw that no one was in sight and ran out with his 3 friends and they began opening the other cells, letting other dogs out and they all ran out of room and down the hall. Though, during the rush for freedom, Leo got separated from his friends and the other dogs without knowing it.


In another part of the factory, Leo was alone now, looking around, all confused about where he was and how he can get out of the factory.

Leo: Oi. *Sighs* I lost my mates and I have no idea where I am now. *Sees something glowing up ahead* Huh? What's that?

Leo looks into the room and sees a bunch of computers on a huge desk and jumped on the chair and saw the computers with digital pics of the factory and a particular breed of dog, Dalmatians. 2 particular ones, which were full-grown. One had a red collar on which was a male and the other had a light blue collar on, which was a female.

Leo: What the. Dalmatians? Why does this computer show these images? Especially these 2?

Leo looked more into the computer and saw somethings about Dalmatians and looked in the horror of a familiar woman, wearing fur coats, and saw info on the woman and this factory he's in, which made Leo gasp in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2021 ⏰

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