Chapter 2: Work

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As the next day at school on Thursday, River Rose ran to the bathroom and she starts to puke. Daisy asked, "River Rose, are you okay?" River Rose got up and she flushed the toilet. River Rose said, "Yeah I'm fine." River Rose came out of the stall and came over to the sink as she looks sick. Daisy asked, "Are you feeling alright?" River Rose said, "Yes." Daisy said, "Okay." River Rose grabbed a paper towel and she wipes off the puke. Daisy asked, "Is it a stomach bug?" River Rose said, "Yes and I feel like I've been eating the same food over and over." Daisy said, "Yikes. Well, at least you're feeling better." River Rose said, "Me too." Daisy said, "You should join the beauty pageant with me for next Monday." River Rose said, "There's no way that I would join the beauty pageant because I'm not meant to be for one." Daisy said, "River, please join with me and Carter will cheer on." River Rose said, "Yeah for you and I feel like I can't date any guys." Daisy said, "You can probably date Hans or Liam." River Rose said, "Maybe." Daisy said, "Don't worry River Rose, you'll be alright and come on." River Rose said, "Okay." Daisy and River Rose came out of the bathroom. Byron looks at River Rose and said, "River, I need to talk to you." Daisy said, "Go talk to him." River Rose said, "Okay." Daisy walks away and Byron said, "Riv, you have to tell me what's wrong and you can't keep running from me." River Rose said, "I feel like something is strange about me." Byron asked, "Then, what's wrong?" River Rose said, "I don't know if this was a stomach bug or something different." Byron is shocked and asked, "Are you pregnant of my baby?" River Rose said, "Now I feel worse and I can't be having kids at this age." Byron said, "Riv, it's going to be alright." River Rose asked, "Do you really think so?" Byron said, "I know so, baby girl." Byron hugs River Rose and River Rose hugs Byron. Byron said, "Everything is going to be alright and I'll be there for our baby." River Rose said, "I can't leave you and I feel really scare because I can't lose you for not being there." Byron said, "You know that you won't and I care a lot about you. The baby is perfect for our life and I did thought about it over yesterday because I wanted to be a dad." River Rose said, "I'm really glad sweetie." Byron picks River Rose up and Carter looks at them together. Jake looks at them and asked, "What the hell is this?" Carter asked, "Where's Marissa?" Daisy said, "No sweetie, you are not doing any revenge at all and River Rose is happy." River Rose and Byron starts kissing so much. Carter is now getting angry at Byron for kissing River Rose and Jake is not liking their relationship. Byron pulls away and River Rose said, "I guess I have to work at a restaurant." Byron said, "You can give me a milkshake while you're at it." River Rose said, "Oh really now." Byron said, "Yeah and you are the hot waitress whose working at the restaurant." River Rose said, "Well sexy, you should've told me that before we were ready to start a family." Byron starts laughing and River Rose giggles. Byron stops laughing and said, "I guess we're parents and I can't believe that this is happening so fast." River Rose said, "You are so addicted to be with me." Byron said, "I couldn't help it and I was getting into your pants ever since I was your age but I knew better because you were only eleven." River Rose said, "I know you were and I didn't know that you were in love with me." Byron said, "It's alright, Riv and I would never get mad at you for anything." River Rose said, "I was hoping if we could go somewhere after I work." Byron said, "Sure baby girl." Byron kiss River Rose so much and Carter said, "Oh that dumbass." Carter starts walking over to Byron and River Rose. Byron pulls away and Carter said, "River Rose, get over here." River Rose said, "Carter." Byron said, "Carter, you really need to stop getting so crazy over River Rose and I'm dating her." Carter asked, "What the hell are you talking about?" Byron said, "I'm dating River Rose and Marissa isn't my girlfriend. You are the one who did one stupid thing about my girlfriend from this year." River Rose asked, "What happened to your ex girlfriend?" Byron said, "He killed her by drowning her." Carter lied, "No I didn't." Byron said, "You're a liar, Carter and nobody in this school believes you." Carter said, "Oh yeah. Well, I didn't get arrested but you did after you killed your ex girlfriend by crashing her car and your daughter got taken away to the foster care." Byron said, "That was in my sophomore year and I'm not going to get in trouble again." Carter said, "We'll see about that." River Rose said, "Alright you two, shut your pie holes up and that was in the past." Carter said, "River, I don't believe you." Byron said, "You heard what she just say and that was in the past." Carter said, "Alright fine but I'm only doing this for you not Byron." Byron said, "Thank you." River Rose said, "I'm still try to find a job after school." Carter said, "My uncle has a restaurant that he owns and I was wondering if you want to have this job." River Rose asked, "Are you sure that it won't be a problem for working there?" Carter said, "No and I think I was waiting for someone to work with me. I was trying to find someone to help out around here but it was no use." River Rose said, "Of course that I would be the one to work there." Carter said, "Great and I'll see you there." River Rose said, "Okay." Carter walks away and Byron said, "Just to be clear on this, Carter is addicted to you and I don't want him to flirt with you." River Rose said, "He won't flirt with me and I know that he won't." Byron said, "You're the best." Byron kiss River Rose's cheek and pulls away. As the hours passed from school, River Rose is in Health Class with Carter and Carter said, "Hey River." River Rose asked, "What do you want?" Carter said, "I was wondering if you want to go out with me sometime." River Rose said, "Look here Carter, I can't seem to get you to understand that I'm dating Byron." Carter said, "River, listen to me." River Rose asked, "What are you trying to do?" Carter said, "Byron shouldn't be dating you and you have to break up with him." River Rose said, "Carter, I can date anyone around here and you have a girlfriend." Carter felt a little mad and he knew that he wanted to date River Rose. After school, Carter took River Rose to the restaurant with Byron, Daisy, and Jake. John said, "There's my favorite nephews." Byron said, "Hey Uncle John." Carter said, "Hey Uncle John." John asked, "Who's this young lady?" Carter said, "Uncle John, I would like you to meet River Rose and she's new to this town." River Rose shyly, "Hello." John said, "Ah, you are Margaret and Frank's daughter that I've heard and please, take a seat." River Rose shyly, "Okay." River Rose sat down and Carter sat right next to River Rose. John sat down and said, "River, I want you to know that this job is a steady job but this was in built way back in the twenties and I know that this family made a lot of money because of this restaurant." River Rose shyly, "You seem to have a stage." John said, "Oh yes and we provided any celebrity singers to come to this restaurant to sing on that stage." Carter said, "I'll show you around." John said, "Good." Cassie said, "Excuse me." John said, "I better get the orders." John got up and Carter showed River Rose around. River Rose said, "This stage is awesome." Carter said, "It's all we got for our family." Jake said, "Look on the bright side, River Rose and I know that you will love this place as a new worker." Byron said, "You're a hot waitress for me." River Rose said, "Well, you are looking for one." Byron said, "I already did and I knew it's you." River Rose said, "Oh you dork." Byron said, "You're welcome." Daisy said, "Aww, so cute." Carter said, "Oh please." Jake asked, "Was that really necessary, bro?" Carter said, "Yes." River Rose said, "Anyways, I better go." Carter said, "You just got here." River Rose said, "I just remembered that I got homework." River Rose tries to get off stage and Carter grabbed River Rose's right hand. Byron said, "Let River go." Carter said, "You can't leave yet." John said, "Carter, River is right and I'm about to close this restaurant for today." Carter let go of River Rose and River Rose walks off stage. Byron got up as he went with River Rose and Jake asked, "What the hell were you thinking?" Carter said, "I just don't want River to get hurt." Daisy said, "You need to calm down." Carter is getting mad and he feels like he's tired of Daisy. The next day at school on Friday, River Rose and Byron are so happy for being together. Byron said, "I can't believe that you're getting the job." River Rose said, "I know and he ask my parents if it was okay to work at a restaurant. So, they said yes." Byron said, "That's my girl." Byron kiss River Rose so much and Liam looks at them. Byron pulls away and said, "My parents hasn't seen you in a long time." River Rose said, "Yeah and I miss them a lot." Byron said, "They told me that they're coming to the restaurant to see you." River Rose said, "That's great." Byron said, "Jackson is still getting recovered from his sickness." River Rose said, "That's great and I would love to see him again." Byron said, "Carter is acting strange lately." River Rose said, "I think I know why and it's because he wants me." Carter is standing behind Byron and said, "Damn right I am." Byron turns around and said, "You have got to stop and you seriously told River Rose everything about me. You know what Carter, you are the only one whose telling a lie." Carter said, "I wish you would tell the truth to River Rose and you are dating Marissa." Byron said, "I know what you're trying to do to me and you think you can hide things from me. You are trying to have River Rose to break up with me so you can cheat on Daisy and I will not let you have my River Rose at all." Carter said, "You win for now but you are still a liar and Marissa is waiting for you." Carter walks away and River Rose asked, "What on Earth?" Byron said, "Don't worry about it, babe and he's not worth it." Byron went back to making out with River Rose and he loves her so much. As the school hours passed for after school, River Rose is working so hard as a waitress and Byron said, "Hey sexy Momma." River Rose said, "Yes sweetie." Byron said, "Marry me." River Rose said, "I rather for you to marry a napkin or this counter." Byron said, "You are so bad." River Rose said, "You're welcome." Carter said, "Your ass is right out the door." River Rose shook up the whip cream bottle and she spray the whip cream all over Carter's face. Carter said, "Damn it, River Rose." Jo Ann said, "Keep your language clean please." Carter said, "Oh sorry." Carter went to the bathroom and Byron laughs. River Rose got the milkshake finished and Byron stops laughing. Byron asked, "How did you learn to spray the whip cream like that?" River Rose said, "Oh sweetie pie, it's a long story." Byron kiss River Rose's cheek and pulls away. John asked, "River Rose, what just happened to Carter?" River Rose said, "John, Carter has been acting funny lately because he's trying to date me by having me to break up with Byron." John said, "That makes sense and nice job for spraying the whip cream on Carter's face. I'll have to remember that but also, don't waste all of it because the pies are coming." River Rose said, "Oh no problem there, John." John said, "You're a life saver." John went back to the kitchen and River Rose puts the whip cream bottle down. Byron said, "You see River, I told you that people loves you and you deserve it." River Rose said, "Well, that's all know of." River Rose handed Byron the milkshake and Byron said, "You're the best baby girl and thanks." River Rose said, "You're welcome sweetie." Byron kiss River Rose so much and he pulls away. Byron grabbed two straws and Carter came out of the bathroom. River Rose and Byron are drinking vanilla milkshake together. Byron grabbed River Rose's right hand and he never wanted to lose River Rose. Carter said, "River, I don't advise you to spray that whip cream bottle at me again." River Rose is ignoring Carter and Carter saw Byron holding River Rose's right hand. Carter felt so heated up and he's ready for revenge. Byron and River Rose both finished their milkshake. Byron said, "Baby, I just want you to know that our future is waiting for us." River Rose said, "I can see us with four kids and we are at your parents backyard for the wedding." Byron said, "Then you became Mrs. Byron Morgan and our kids became really happy for us getting married." River Rose said, "Yeah and I hope we never break up." Byron said, "I hope so baby girl." Byron kiss River Rose so much and Carter is now figuring out a plan for Byron and River Rose to break up. 

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