could i get your number?

Start from the beginning

Oikawa Tooru is a regular - one of the insomniacs, to be more specific - and the most gorgeous man Shouyou has ever laid his eyes on. His brown wavy hair always looks so soft, and even if Shouyou knows by all the night shifts that Oikawa sleeps an average of three hours a day, he always looks fresh and awake, no eyebags to be seen under those beautiful hazel eyes. He doesn't even have shacking hands, which is no small feat for someone who drinks as much coffee as he does. Shouyou often wonders how he hasn't had a heart attack with all the caffeine. Shouyou also has never talked to him past the usual costumer-barista questions like what kind of coffee does he want, and does he want a refill?

That's fine. Shouyou is content just staring from afar, where he can't make a fool out of himself with a stupid comment.

He is pulled from his thoughts by the door opening. He turns to greet the new costumer, absently thinking this will be the last of today before he can pack and go home. Semi should be here soon to take over, anyways.

He comes face to face with Harasa Fukai. As in, the guy who has been shamelessly flirting with Shouyou even though he has tried to tell him in all the ways possible that he is not, in fact, interested.


"Hi there, Shouyou-kun!" he greets Shouyou happily, with a familiarity the redhead is definitely not comfortable with, but cannot complain about.

"Hello, Harasa-san. It's weird seeing you here at this hour, you usually stop by on the mornings," Shouyou certainly has an idea of why it could be. It's not hard to figure out he takes most of his shifts in the morning, just after morning training. "What can I get you?" he asks politely, trying to avoid eye contact and instead focusing on the register.

"You know my usual, honey," he winks flirtatiously, and Shouyou has to keep the grimace of his face, instead nodding.

"Of course. One straight black coming right up. Feel free to wait at one of the tables and I'll bring it to you," Shouyou says, trying to get the man to go away as fast as possible. Maybe Semi would be here early and he would entertain Harasa for Shouyou so he could go home?

The redhead tries to delay the coffee making as much as he can, doing everything slowly and looking around for Semi. He seems to be out of luck today though, because a coffee straight black isn't hard to make, and Semi seems to be taking his sweet time to get here. So, twenty minutes from the end of his shift, Shouyou is standing in front of Harasa with his cup of coffee, trying to make the process as clean and fast as possible before fleeing back to the counter.

Just as he is about to do that, a hand catches his wrist, and Shouyou's eyes close painfully at the failed attempt.

"Hey now, honey. There's no one you need to serve right now, so how about you sit with me, hmn? And then when your shift is over, we can go somewhere more... private," Shouyou's breath hitches as he hears that, eyes blown wide. Hows does he know his shift is about to end?

"I-I'm afraid I'll have to decline Harasa-san," he says nervously, watching around to see if Semi is here yet - he is not, what's taking him so long? - or if he can find something to excuse himself with. It's a small coffee shop, and at this hour he is the only one working it, so there should be something for him to do, even if it's just mopping the floors.

But Shouyou is also a diligent worker - this does pay his bills, after all, and outside of rush hour, there's not much to do around here - so everything is spot on. Damn it.

"Ah, and why is that?" Harasa asks, and Shouyou swallows dry as he racks his head for an excuse.

He has used so many of them it's almost sad, but then... well, it didn't work last time, but it's the only thing Shouyou can possibly think of right now.

Oihina Week 2020 Part TwoWhere stories live. Discover now