Chapter 6

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*3rd POV*
"I have an announcement" " I say we do a festival, manberg festival" Everyone just agreed knowing they have no say in the decision."Wonderful, it is to be set to be on the 16th."

Niki stood outside her house, wishing she could stay, but she couldn't keep up with the 'taxes'. She had to leave, Niki looked at her animals and waved goodbye knowing Tubbo would watch after them. "To a new adventure." she said, walking away.

*Wilbur's pov*
I was fixing up our cave. No matter what I have to make this feel like home. For Tommy at least.Something in my pocket buzzed, I took my phone and looked at the sceen Tommy texted me. I looked at it with winden eyes. A festival, for Manberg. This is a joke he's holding a festival in the name of manberg.
I'll talk with Tommy when he gets here. Is Tubbo a part of this festival? What a shame if he is. Knowing Schatlt he would invite Techno, he can do that. We all know what Techno wants. I start laughing, the plan I came up with is perfect. I just need some help.

*3rd POV*
Tommy walked to the cave, knowing he was going to have to tell Wilbur everything he knows. Having someone call the nation he fought for, something different hurts, but he clears his mind. Once he got in the cave he sighed and started to look for Wilbur. "Wilbur?" He goes down the flight of stairs, there was Wilbur sitting with his guitar.
"Tommy, welcome back."Tommy gave him a small wave. "Wilbur..." he started "No it's ok, Tommy." Tommy looked at him with a confused face. "Tommy... are we the bad guys?" Tommy's eyes widened. "What?!" Wilbur looked at him with a pained face. "Schlatt was elected but we are trying to overthrow him." Tommy looked at Wilbur like he was mad.
"What do you mean?" "Why are we fighting to get our power when we held the elections? We lost." Wilbur looked at him "Tommy, your Scared." "But, that's ok we're both scared." Both men stood still looking at each other. "What do you mean?" Wilbur laughed, he looked at the floor. He was thinking, "Tommy?" "Are we the bad guys?" The boy in question looked at him with pure shock. "What, No I'm always right!" Wilbur looked at the 16 year old. You could see in his eyes that he was hurt. But who could blame him, he lost everything.
"Why, are we trying to fight with schlatt?" "We let this happen Tommy." There was pause, he wanted to say something else but stopped himself. "Am I the villain in your history?" The young boy looked at him. The older one looked at him, with a small laugh. "I knew it!" "Wilbur, schlatt making you think that."
"Tommy, you know how we became the villain's" the boy nodded. "Then let's be the bad guy's!" Wilbur said with a crazy laugh. Tommy backed up. "Wilbur-" Tommy started but stopped. Wilbur walked away looking for Technoblade. What's going on. He thought to himself. He ran up the stairs and outside the cave. He had to find Tubbo.

Tubbo was near the cave his friends called home. That's when he saw his best friend. "TUBBO!" Tubbo stopped in his steps. Tommy reaches him. "We need to talk." "About?" Tommy looked at the ground still shocked. "It's Wilbur," Tubbo looked at him, what's wrong with Wilbur the boy thought. Before he could start asking questions, Wilbur walked out. "Ah, hello Tubbo!" He said in his cheery tone. "You don't mind if I talk to him?" He pointed at Tommy. Tubbo said no, and walked back to his 'home'
"Tommy I was thinking." Wilbur started walking back in the cave. He followed him. "What if we blow it up" "There is no point to that land any more." "Wilbur your being reckless." Tommy told him. "Tommy we have a man who rigged our nation on our side, remember the book." Tommy looked at him with disbelief. "Let's rig the festival with tnt." "No one was on our side, they would leave us to rot." Tommy started to walk back. "Like Tubbo, he would drop us the second he sees we're losing!" No Tubbo would never do that to his best friend. "Stop" "Please" Tommy looked into his eyes looking for the person he thought of a big brother, but he only saw one thing. Nothing but rage and hate.
That was enough for Tommy to run up the stairs and out the cave again. He wanted to go to his friend. He wanted to get away from Wilbur.
But in the dim cave, sat a man on the floor crying. Why would he say that to Tommy, to someone he saw as a little brother. He was sorry for the words he said to the boy. But the only thing he's not sorry for was the tnt part. He wanted Schaltt dead, gone from the land he built.
He cleaned the tears off his face, and got up. He walked out the cave, to go find some one who could be of help.

Warning ⚠️ Talks about today's streams!
Ack- I'm so sorry!! Was trying to get this out last week but that failed. Anyway, today was doomed day. And honestly I wasn't mentally prepared, so I caught myself crying during it. Anyway, I knew Wilbur would do it, I had a feeling he was the traitor. With techno of course.
Anyway any suggestions or ideas. I'm opened to any.
Also this is what the next chapters are going to look like.
Chapter 7- right before the festival and the festival itself.
Chapter 8- the after math of the festival, planning of the war. Maybe a deal 🤔
Chapter 9- The war!!! And the after math, with a bonus!
Also go check out my book called 'Information about my books' My publishing schedule is on there! You will also be informed on things I can't put here! :)

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