Chapter 3

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"Ah, this 's the best day in my whole life." Sumire says when the trio walks out of their junior high school building. The day of graduating from there.

"I'm giving her, let's say, five minutes to realize she has to go back to school in a week." (Y/N) says to Minako who lets out a small laugh.

"And wait 'till she realizes she has to go the same school with her brothers."

"Oh bring it on. The next two years of high school are going to be legendary." Both girls chuckle.

"Miya! Please come with me." Sumire's homeroom teacher comes to fetch her.

"What, why?"

"There is couple of things I want to talk about with you." Sumire gets tugged by her jacked back into the school building.

"Noooo!!! I was suppose' to leave!!" (Y/N) and Minako wave her goodbye.

"It's either about the library books she haven't return or the painting she did on the school wall on the roof." (Y/N) says.

"Or both." Minako agrees. "I'll go and empty my locker. I overheard our kōhais and some third years had put sweets into there as a goodbye gift. God knows why." She says before leaving while taking an extra bag out of her bag.

"(Y/N)!" She turns around.

"Torio-kun! Congratulations on graduating." (Y/N) says when she hugs the boy who hugs her back.

"You as well. Your friends left you?" He asks.

"Nah. Sumire was taken by her teacher and Minako went to empty her locker."

"Ah, I walked past it and it was close to explode."

"Really? Wonder why I never get anything."

"That's because I don't want them to give you presents."

"Just because you're my boyfriend, doesn't mean they couldn't give me any. I'd be happy to get a packet of chocolate or cookies." (Y/N) holds his hands and smiles.

"Should I get you some?"

"Not when I tell you about it. I like surprises when they are positive ones." (Y/N) chuckles and gives a quick peck on his cheek. "So what school did you enroll?"

"Inarizaki. Wanna try out for their baseball team."

"That sounds wonderful. I also enrolled Inarizaki. I'm not quite sure whether I should join the art club or some other quite relaxing club. Well I still have time to think."

"Sure do." Both turned around when they heard stomping behind them.

"Can't believe 'eacher wanted 'o talk 'bout my brothers library books 'hey forgot 'o return!" Sumire says. "Oh hi Oshima-kun."

"Sup Miya-san."

"Did you see Minako?" (Y/N) asks.

"Nope. She's probably stuck with kōhais." Sumire shrugs her shoulders.

"Well we can't leave without her." Torio gives a quick peck on (Y/N)'s forehead before running off to his friends whose been calling for him.

"Aw~ aren't ya two just adorable with each 'ther." Sumire says making (Y/N) blush.

"I call suspicious." Both turn to look at Minako. She has one bag full of different sweets, her school bag is about to explode and she's carrying a couple bags on her hands.

"Wow... 'hat's a lot." Sumire says.

"Way too much. Can't wait for tomorrows concert."

"Oh yeah. You're going to have sweets and cookies to eat for the rest of the year." (Y/N) says.

"Unfortunately." Minako sighs with a smile.

"Now back 'o this lovely couple 'ere. Why do ya 'hink 'is suspicious? They've been 'ogether for five months." Sumire says placing her hands on her hips.

"He gives me the vibes of being untrustworthy." Sumire and (Y/N) both raise their brows and looks at each other. "Maybe it's just me, but I'll stick with my statement just in case. We should probably leave before more people finds us."


"I wanna have my time away from school spent just right." Sumire says.

"You do realize you will be back in school in like a week." (Y/N) says causing her friend to stop on her tracks.

"I-in... in a week?"

"Yeah, one week and you'll be in the same school as your lovely brothers. Imagine the fun when you get to spent time with them at home AND at school. Doesn't it sound just great?" Minako says with a bright smile and (Y/N) quietly laughs next to her. The look on Sumire's face says it's going to be anything but great or fun.

"Speaking of school, have you already decided which club to join?" (Y/N) asks. Sumire had gotten information about the clubs in Inarizaki from the twins and had shared that information with the others.

"I'll probably, not sure yet, join culinary club." Minako says.

"Not music?"

"No. It'll be too much of that if I'd join."

"I'm not sure yet. Maybe the cheerleader but I'll think 'bout it." Sumire says. The trio continues on walking towards their destination which for now was unknown for all of them.

"Should we go to my mansion and have a little party there?" Minako suggests and both girls agree. Silence takes over them. It's not awkward but rather comfortable.

"Ya know (Y/N), if Oshima-kun ever leaves you, ya should try to hit on 'Samu." (Y/N) tries not to choke on her own saliva.

"Thank you Sumi, but I'm pretty sure that is not going to happen."

"Why not? He's rather nice and handsome plus he can cook."


"I think he'd leave (Y/N) after seeing what kind of a disaster she's in kitchen. She burns instant noodles and I'm pretty sure Osamu would want someone who can do at least basics when it comes to cooking. And is ready to learn even more." Minako explains.

"Then you should teach her." Sumire says. (Y/N) and Minako look at each other and then back to Sumire with grimace on their faces.

"Already tried. She went to google to find out how to boil water without burning it."

"How do you burn water?"

"I don't know how it happened but believe me, it has happened many times." (Y/N) says laughing awkwardly.

"Well then, ya better stick with that boy." Sumire shrugs her shoulders. The silence comes again but this time lasts longer.

"So Sumire, did you clean up your room?" Minako asks.

"Um, not completely. BUT now I have enough space on the tables that I can put all the extra on 'hem."

"Right, so (Y/N) I think we are going to have an operation for Sumire for the next week."

"Hold on-"

"I totally agree."

"No please wait!"

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