-Evil Doll~ Bloody Bones-

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Evil Doll

My story

A little girl name Flower received an Asian doll for her birthday. It smiled evilly and came with a cake. When you pressed a button on the cake it spoke. It would say

"Lets have some cake mummy!"

Its voice was hoarse and raspy like an old mans. She accepted the doll with the fact that she was a nice girl and wouldn't not accept the doll out of respect.

One night she was fast asleep, she woke in the middle of the night. She woke up to the doll sitting near her neck with it's arms reaching out almost touching her neck. She stared at the doll and smiled thinking she had left it there.

She put the doll on the floor accidently knocking it under her bed. She drifted off to sleep until she woke in the morning.

She woke to find the doll biting her finger. She screamed loudly and her parents rushed in. The doll was now sitting up and smiling. Whats wrong they had asked. She just sat hugging herself. When her parents were gone she threw the doll in the bin.

She went to bed that night feeling she was safe. Thats when she heard the dolls voice.

"You've been a very bad girl Flower"

She heard small quick footsteps.

She opened her door to see the doll with a butchers knife in its hand. The doll walked in closing the door behind it.

The next morning the parents woke finding the house unusually silent. They checked on flower to find the doll sitting on top of Flowers dead body with a butchers knife in its mouth and a wide grin on it's face.

They quickly called triple zero only for it to be confirmed of murder but no prints or clues what so ever.

Bloody Bones

By Anonymous

Way back in the deep woods there lived a scrawny old woman who had a reputation for being the best conjuring woman in the Ozarks. With her bedraggled black-and-gray hair, funny eyes - one yellow and one green - and her crooked nose, Old Betty was not a pretty picture, but she was the best there was at fixing what ailed a man, and that was all that counted.

Old Betty's house was full of herbs and roots and bottles filled with conjuring medicine. The walls were lined with strange books brimming with magical spells. Old Betty was the only one living in the Hollow who knew how to read; her granny, who was also a conjurer, had taught her the skill as part of her magical training.

Just about the only friend Old Betty had was a tough, mean, ugly old razorback hog that ran wild around her place. It rooted so much in her kitchen garbage that all the leftover spells started affecting it. Some folks swore up and down that the old razorback hog sometimes walked upright like man. One fellow claimed he'd seen the pig sitting in the rocker on Old Betty's porch, chattering away to her while she stewed up some potions in the kitchen, but everyone discounted that story on account of the fellow who told it was a little too fond of moonshine.

"Raw Head" was the name Old Betty gave the razorback, referring maybe to the way the ugly creature looked a bit like some of the dead pigs come butchering time down in Hog-Scald Hollow. The razorback didn't mind the funny name. Raw Head kept following Old Betty around her little cabin and rooting up the kitchen leftovers. He'd even walk to town with her when she came to the local mercantile to sell her home remedies.

Well, folks in town got so used to seeing Raw Head and Old Betty around the town that it looked mighty strange one day around hog-driving time when Old Betty came to the mercantile without him.

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