Jiang Cheng didn't wait for the door to be completely rolled up when he slipped out before speaking once more outside the door: "Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Gu Fei held the door up as he gazed at him.

Jiang Cheng mounted his bike and rode along the road without looking back

Gu Fei let the retractable door come down to a tight shut and sat his butt down on the small stool to the side, staring into space for the longest time.

As soon as Jiang Cheng passed through the door of his apartment, he wanted more than anything to pass out the moment he lay down but considering that he had crawled around a dusty and rubbish-ridden rooftop all night, he first forced himself to take a shower.

When he finally collapsed on the bed, he felt as though he must have fallen asleep before his head had even hit the pillow.

His body felt heavy, yet his heart was light - so light that it was as if he was floating.

Perhaps, it was the reality that everything was finally 'over' that contrived such a feeling; what had to be done was done, what had to be considered was considered, what had to be said was said. Everything that weighed down his heart, whether or not he held an ounce of feeling for them, had all faded.

Whatever tomorrow was going to bring, however, tomorrow may go, none of it mattered any longer.

Feels good.

This comforting sensation would probably be able to compete with the state of "sleeping super soundly like I had gotten a massage after getting beaten up by my dad" that Pan Zhi had mentioned.

Sprawled over his pillow, the corners of his lips hooked up.

When the first glimpse of light dawned on him, Jiang Cheng's biological clock actually failed to drag him out of his deep sleep for the first time ever. He could vividly detect the clear chirps of the birds from outside the window, blended with the voices of the elderly ladies exercising in the early morning and the shrill shrieks of children so excited from their parents taking them out to play that they last an entire journey...

However, he still didn't completely wake up. The feeling of knowing that he was sleeping, and actually sleeping both soundly and comfortably at that, was absolutely wonderful.

It was only when his phone sounded for the second time did he reluctantly peeled open his heavy eyes.

The second time?

Oh, right, it's the second time. It probably went off the first time when the elderly ladies were out for their early-morning exercise.

He felt for his phone and only when he strained his eyes to succeed in merging the double vision caused by the noticeably overly bright screen did he finally see that the incoming call was from none other than Gu Fei.

Gu Fei?

... Gu Fei!!

He completely awoke with a jerk, and everything before his eyes instantly became crystal clear.

Clearly, he had decided just the day before to be nonchalant to Gu Fei's answer as if all he had wanted was to convey, I really like you. If we can date, then that would be amazing too.

He just wanted to throw the idea out there; throw it to Gu Fei, and whatever Gu Fei's answer may be, he would be nonchalant to it. Or rather, he had never envisioned Gu Fei's answer at all.

SAYE [Run Freely]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ