"Stop." I yelled not wanting Fred to get in trouble. I pulled Fred away but as I did his arm was already in motion. He accidentally hit me in the face. Everyone stepped back and gasped. I let go of him and covered my face with my hand.

"He's ginger and he beats his gir-" Marcus began to say. "Don't finish that sentence Fletcher." Fred said glaring at him. Marcus and his friends turned and walked away.

Fred turned to me holding my face in his hands. "Bloody hell, I am so sorry, you know I didn't mean to, I meant to hit Marcus." He said frantically. "You, I said to keep your hands off of her, and now look what you've done! You could swim in all the blood that's coming out of her nose right now." Yelled Lee.

"Guys, stop arguing. We need to get Y/N to madam pomfrey." Yelled Hazel. Fred went to pick me up but Lee stoped him. They flared at eachother both trying to pick me up. "Get off the poor girl, I'll do it." Said George as he pushed them out of the way.

George picked me up bridal style and started to walk. "Are you alright?" Asked Fred. "Does it look like she's alright?!?" Said Lee as they both followed close behind George. "Will you two just shut up?" Said Jordan. She was walking next to me and grabbed my hand to hold.

"Thank you Jordan." I said grateful that the two had stopped bickering. We got to the hospital wing and George laid me on the table. "What happened?" Asked madam Pomfrey as she came rushing over.

"Fred here decided to hit her." Said Lee. "For the last time it was an accident I meant to hit Marcus." Said Fred. "No matter who it is you don't hit students at this school." Said madam Pomfrey.

"He was being really rude to Y/N. He deserved it." Said Jordan. "Well, ok. I won't give you detention Mr. Weasley but you cannot hit another student or I will have to." Said Madam Pomfrey.

She then looked down at me. "Can you take your hand off of your face so I can see the damage?" She asked. I didn't realize my hand was still covering my face. "Oh, yeah." I said putting my hand to my side.

Everyone gasped. "What?" I asked. "Your nose is sort of, well it's all wonky." Said Hazel. "It's alright dear, nothing to worry about, I'll have it fixed in a heartbeat." Said Madam Pomfrey.

She grabbed her wand and said a spell that popped it back into place. "Ahh" I said feeling the whole thing happen. The pain only lasted a few seconds though.

"She just needs to be cleaned up and you lot can be on your way." Said Madam Pomfrey. "C'mon." Said Jordan. Her and Hazel walked with me to the girls bathroom, leaving the boys outside waiting.

"I can't believe those two idiots." I said. "I know, I can't believe Fred hit you." Said Jordan. "It was an accident." I said. "I meant how Lee and Fred kept bickering the whole way here." I added. "Right? Could they be any more like children?" Said Hazel as she brought a wet cloth to my face.

"Does this hurt?" She asked, wiping away the blood. "No, it's all fixed, remember?" I said. "You'll need fresh robes, I'll go get them, will you be alright here without me?" Said Jordan. "Yeah, Thank you." I said.

When Jordan left out the door I heard the boys asking if I was ok. I laughed. "Bloody idiots." Sighed Hazel as she began to laugh too.

By the time Hazel was done cleaning my nose Jordan had reappeared with my fresh robes. I put them on and headed out. Jordan had handed George my bloody robes and he ran and put them in the laundrey room.

I walked out and immediately Fred and Lee came over to me and asked if I was ok. "Yes, yes I'm fine, Madam Pomfrey fixed me, I'm all better now." I said. "Do you need me to carry you?" Asked Lee. "No, I will." Said Fred.

Butterflies 🦋 (Fred x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now