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I arrive at the fountain around 1:40. I know I'm early, but I'd rather be early than late. I sit down on the edge of the fountain, I don't take my headphones out. There's not many people here, but there's still people and that's enough for me to not want to stop listening to my music. 

Sykkuno texts me at 1:45 to let me know he's on his way. This only makes me more nervous. I should just be happy he's actually coming. I shouldn't be feeling nervous, it's just a meet up. Just friends. 

Oh shit he's here. Was I really thinking that long? 

He looks around confused, I give a small wave and he smiles then walks towards me. I take out my headphones then clear my throat. "Sykkuno, hey."

"Corpse! Or do you want me to call you Adam?" I cringe at the question, I hate my name. 

"Adam in public, but never on stream please?" 

He smiles, "Of course! So what do you want to do?"

"I didn't really think that far," I laugh nervously. 

"Well," he starts, "There is a great ice cream place right up the street. Wanna go?"

"Uh, yeah lets do it."

We talk a bit during the walk. Sykkuno really is the nicest person I've ever met. He's also really cool. We're into a lot of the same things. Although we did disagree on ice cream flavors; he thinks chocolate is the best, but it's definitely mint chocolate chip. I can get over that though. I laugh as he says something I only half listened to. 

He smiles at me, "So do you always wear the mask in public?"

"Most of the time."

"It must get annoying."

"You get used to it eventually."

He laughs at himself, "I'd never be able to remember. I forget to eat half the time!"

"That's not good."

"It's not like I mean to! I have the memory of a goldfish." 

I hum in response. "We're here, do you want to order?" I ask, praying to that bitch in the sky that he says yes. 

"Yeah, you want mint chocolate chip?"

"Yeah. Thanks, I'll pay."

"What? No you don't have to do that!" 

"You're ordering, I'll pay."

"No, It's fine, I got it."

I already pulled out my wallet and gave him a $5 (Each cone is $2.00 each). He refuses to take it. "Sykkuno, take the five." 

He sighs and reluctantly takes the five, "Fine."

"Thank you" I say as we walk into the ice cream shop. I pick a table in the corner of the shop while Sykkuno orders the ice creams. I've never actually been in this shop before, I've only ever walked by. 

Soon enough, Sykkuno comes back and hands me my cone. He also tries to give me my one back. "Just keep it, it's not like I really leave my place anyway." He smiles awkwardly and pockets it. I have to take my mask off to eat but it doesn't bother me too much as long as I keep my head down. "You know I've never actually been inside here before, it's really nice" I tell him. 

"Really? I come to this place all the time, it's so good! Have you tried their burgers?"

"I didn't even know they had burgers. I've only ever seen them advertise ice cream."

Sykkuno gasps, "You have to try one."

"How much are they?"

"Doesn't matter, I'll buy it this time. Do you want one?" He asks already standing up. 

I laugh at his eagerness, "Sure."

He smiles in response then rushes to the counter. He seems to have a friendly chat with the cashier as he puts the order in. They seem like they know each other. After the conversation ends he comes back over. "They'll bring them to us soon. Too bad we got ice cream first," He smiles holding up his cone. 

"Do you know the cashier? You guys seemed close."

"Oh yeah, we shared a room in college. He's pretty nice, we don't stay in touch that often anymore so it's nice to see him here."   

I nod. "Did you like college?" 

"I liked the people, not so much the work, it was nice to make friends of all different places though." He then laughs to himself, "If I could go back I definitely wouldn't be an english major." I laugh at his statement as well. "Did you go?" 

"I went online, I eventually dropped it though." 

"Why'd you drop it?" 

"I couldn't decide what I wanted, it was too stressful and too expensive, so I just gave up."

"I guess I understand. It is a lot of work and the deadlines are always stressful." 

I look up and smile at him, completely forgetting I don't have my mask on. He smiles back. 


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