Jack Duncan

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I waited by the creek watching the water glisten in the moonlight.

After a while, I was about to leave when he suddenly appeared with that sumptuous smile of his.

Jack Duncan.

We met at this very creek almost 2 months ago. I wanted to introduce him to my family but he was a lower-class boy, daddy would never approve. It didn't matter to me though, I loved him.

"Hey darling, sorry for the wait" he greeted with a sweet kiss.

"It's okay hun, you ready to ride?" I replied and he nodded with a smile.

We carefully climbed onto the horse nearby, he took charge as I held onto him tightly from behind. He guided Preston up to the field and we rode for what seemed like hours. When it started getting late, we took the horse to the stables to sleep.

Jack took ahold of my hand and we went for a stroll along the creek. I told my daddy I was staying at a friends house so I didn't have to worry about a curfew.

"I still can't get over how beautiful you are Y/n" he complimented, swirling his thumb over my hand softly.

I blushed hard, Jack always made me feel so special.

"Look darling, the fireflies are out" I pointed excitedly. I beamed and watched them admiringly, unaware that Jack was too focused on me to even notice.

He suddenly cleared his throat. "I have something I would like to say to you," he said, rubbing his neck nervously.

I looked at him with half confusion, half curiosity. "What is it, sweetie?" I asked.

He looked me deep in the eyes and took a deep breath.

"You have changed my life for the better Y/n. I can't imagine not being with you and I don't ever want to see you with anyone else, you're mine. I don't care if your family likes me or not, I love you and want to be with you always. Even if we have to run away just to be together, I'll do it. I'll do anything for you" he declared.

A big smile etched across my face. Before I could reply, he pulled a box out and opened it to reveal a ring before he got down on one knee.

"Y/n, will you marry me?" He asked with a gleam in his eyes.

I gasped lightly, I could feel tears sliding down my cheeks.

"YES! I love you with my whole heart!" I cried out.

He slipped the ring on my finger and we kissed passionately. Our love was powerful and no one would ever take it away from us.

"But baby, how are we gonna get married, start our own family?" I fretted.

Thinking about my daddy was stressing me out when all I wanted was to be with Jack.

"Tomorrow we'll leave town, run away. I'll get a job, we can get married and have our baby. No one will ever stand in our way my love I promise" he exclaimed. I could hear the seriousness in his tone.

I hugged him tightly as I stared into his wooden brown eyes. I felt safe, protected and loved.

Jack was right about one thing for sure, no one would ever stand in our way. We were in love.

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