Skyler's energy was drained from reading and thinking too much about Austin. A few minutes later the blonde girl was walking down the airport with a tired face. She only hoped when she got home she could at least take one hour nap. It was funny to think like that after sleeping for hours in the airplane. Maybe she just needed a cold coffee to wake her up from the tiring flight. Walking through the airport she was stopped by two people who recognized her from the trailer from the Descendants poster. She took pictures with them and had a small chat. One of them did ask about Austin which she didn't mind. Most of her fans messaged her about Austin and how he was doing. Even though she was in another state filming while Austin was on tour. They continued to walk to the door and Sky spotted her best friend. She let go of her bags and ran towards Leo. He smiled hugging her. They both laughed rocking side to side. "Oh it's so good to see you Sky." The blonde missed his smell and his bear hugs.

She dreamed for the day she would see her best friend again. They both had a lot to catch up. "I missed you so much, Leo." Sky pulled away, keeping her hands on his elbows while he kept his on her shoulders. "You're still as short as I remember." The blonde scoffs hitting him on the shoulder. He laughed, shaking his head at her. She's still the same Sky he remembers. He was worried that filming and making new friends would change her. But thinking about it nothing could change Skyler. Leo moved to hug her mother and her grandmother who smiled at him. He then proceeds to help Sky with her bags. "There's so much I need to tell you. Oh! And I've gotten so better at directing and filming." The short blonde looked at him shocked but excited. He could definitely help her with her music videos. She actually didn't finish the song she was writing and she also couldn't find it. She wrote it in her journal but when she looked for it it was as if the page had disappeared. She tried not to think about and accepted that she lost the lyrics to the song.

Skyler knew that at some point she would write another song. She has always gotten inspiration from the smallest things. Looking at her best friend while walking towards his car she noticed he had gotten taller. How much taller would he get? She was a shrimp compared to him. While Leo placed the bags in the car Skyler helped her grandmother sit down in the car. They all soon started heading home but did stop at a coffee shop to get some energy into their body. Her mother ordered two hot coffees, one cold coffee and an orange juice for Leo. Leo didn't really like coffee that much but he would drink it every once in a while. Her green eyes watched the scenery move pass her. She was happy to be home and couldn't wait to see the rest of her friends. Including Leo's sister who was in her soccer team. When they arrived Skyler helped her grandma make her way inside the house. She sat her down on her small couch in front of the sliding window doors. She made her way back outside to help with the bags.

Once back in she walked into her room throwing her bags on the bed. She smiled breathing in the scent of vanilla, the beach and cinnamon. She loved traveling but nothing felt better than coming home. Leo threw himself on her bed and stared at her. Her green eyes wandered all around the room and still held that smile on her face. "There's a new beach club that just opened. Do you want to go? I heard Austin and the other's are there today." She thought about it. Well if it was the beach she would be down. Maybe she could relax and enjoy it. "Sure. Let me just change." The blonde started looking through her closet. She found a pink and white bikini with a matching skirt. She quickly changed in the bathroom and left her hair down with pinning a few strands back. She slipped her feet into some sandals. Now it made sense why Leo was dressed in a grey short sleeve and swimming trucks. "Have you told the others your home?"

Skyler shook her head following him down the stairs. "No. I wanted it to be a surprise. Mom, I'm going with Leo to a beach club." The blonde kissed her mother and grandmother on the cheek before leaving. While Leo drove to the beach house she told him about the people she met. Leo was very interested, he couldn't believe she met the Cameron Boyce who was on Jesse. She told him about how they first met the instantly connected as friends. When they arrived she quickly got out and looked around. She scanned the beach club seeing Ally and Kira who were sitting together looking through a magazine. She told Leo to be quiet while she tried to sneak towards the two girls. The blonde stood next to Ally looking down at her magazine. "So what are we looking at?" Hearing her voice made Ally scream in excitement. The girl quickly got up and pulled her into a hug. "I didn't know you'd be home this soon?"

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