Of course, I didn't notice that I was directly staring at him while thinking about that, drowning in my thoughts ...again

'' Stop fantasising about me and eat your meal missy.''

He raised his eyebrows at me and smirked.

My eyes opened wide at first but then I just shook my head and turned back around to keep on eating.

I took another sip of wine as I suddenly got very tired.

Extremely tired.

I looked around and saw that the others were also looking pretty weak and ..also tired.

Well it was a rough day and the best thing we could do now was sleep and rest, waiting for what tomorrow will bring.

We should all just sleep.
Just... sleep..

Aesop's diary

My breathing started to get more and more irregular.
I started to hear something...

Looks like I was waking up.

Before I opened my eyes, I heard the same tunes over and over again.
A happy sounding song played on a piano.

It didn't stop.
It sounded bright and jolly.

The notes of the bass clef were repeating themselves over and over again.

A waltz.

Simply beautiful, a good kind of music.
I opened my eyes.
Where was I?

Luca's Diary

My head started to hurt all of a sudden.
The pain was unbearable and woke me up. I opened my eyes to the sound of some annoying song, which was repeating itself for some time now.

That made my head hurt even more...
I looked around me to find the super talkative Aesop and Vera... what a pleasure, I'm starting to get scared of their cold stares and mysterious occur to be honest.
Next to me was that woman from yesterday, the one who chose the chair next to me at Naib Subedar's amazing ''talk''.
I'm pretty sure her name was Patricia.
But why the hell were her eyes closed.

'' Time to wake up sleeping beauty.. This is not the time for a nap.''

'' She has no choice.''

I gasped.
Aesop stared at me with a grotesque look in his eyes.. Stupid.

'' We got drugged.''

My eyes opened wide and denied to close themselves again.

'' How the fuck are you supposed to know?? Did you do it or what?''

I wanted to stand up to go towards him and tell him what I thought about this situation. He didn't seem to get it! But... something was holding me back.

Vera's diary

I woke up to screams and curses of Luca with a joyful waltz playing in the background .

What the hell was he doing again?
And why so early in the morning?
What was I even doing here?!

'' Oh great now you're awake too!''

I looked around to find a sleeping Miss Dorval, an annoyed Aesop and Luca being an insane moron as always...

'' What the hell is even going on in here?''

Aesop sighed.
''After waking up a little more early than all of you I came to the conclusion that we got drugged yesterday eve.''

I almost screamed!

'' WHAT? From who? Why!''

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and just tried to calm down a little bit. We don't even know if that's the case. I should just stay calm... I opened my mouth again.

'' Why do you th-''


I rolled my eyes. For gods sake!

Patricia's Diary

''Wha-What the hell do you mean with drugged?
How do you know?''

I just woke up in a strange, dark room. It was raining outside and Aesop Carl just told us that we all got drugged. Amazing! Awesome! Fucking fabulous! God damn.

My head started to hurt more and more with that awful waltz playing in the background.

It didn't stop...It just kept on repeating itself, over and over again, until the happy and cheerful music slowly archived an uncomfortable and gross undertone, that filled our brains with fear... I sighed.

'' Why the fuck do you think we got drugged Carl! Just tell us the reason! I swear if you did this I will-''

''It probably was the host..''
Vera interrupted Luca with a rough and harsh but slightly scared voice.

He glared at her intimidatingly and was ready to scream at her again.
But Aesop stepped in.

''Just look down''

He said calmly.
Surprisingly, Luca followed his instruction and I did the same.

My breathing stopped for a moment.

Our hands..
We're cuffed.
And our legs..
tied to the chair.
There was no way to escape...

As I looked to my left I saw that Luca suddenly seemed pretty exhausted and Vera was about to drift off... My sight started to get blurry and I closed my eyes again. Within seconds the waltz in the background started to fade away and my body wouldn't move. I started to get terribly tired and slept again.

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