i let out a yawn and reached for my phone.

set fast eat ass 🏐💦

have u guys been on twitter or anything?
cause they're talking about y/n

what happened?
is she okay?
y/n! what happened??

is she in trouble?
cause miles is texting me asking where she is
he said she left home tonight


she ran away?
she's over here at my house...
she's sleeping right now.

did you see what the news is saying about her
they think she's on drugs or has an ed...

what's an ed

it's an eating disorder dumbass

do u think she has one?


what do u mean maybe?

what do you mean?

the last time i played animal crossing with her on ft she looked...
like it wasn't like lighting or anything she looked sick
but don't quote me on that...

well why don't we make her eat or something?

do you know how fucking dumb that sounds?

yeah what if she's bulimic or something
so she would just throw it up or something
forcing her to eat is dumb and useless

so what can we do to help y/n?

we can't do anything...
she has to tell us on her own
because what if we try to do something and it makes her worse?

hm that makes sense...
so just make sure to keep an eye on her akaashi

i will.

i left my room to go and check on y/n. i poked my head into her room to see her sleeping.

i let out a breath of relief.

'what am i supposed to do now?'

i went back to my room and sat down on my bed.

'that could work but i really don't want to.' i let out a groan. 'but it's for y/n...'

i took out my phone and went back into the group chat.

set fast eat ass 🏐💦

hey bokuto
what's miles' number?
so i can tell him y/n is over here

here it's
use it wisely 😌😛

um thanks...

i put his number in my phone and started texting him.


um hey it's akaashi
i just wanted to let u know y/n is at my house right now
she's sleeping

why is she over there?
yk what idc
as long as she's safe at this point...
thanks for telling me ig

it's no problem

hey wait
do u know why y/n came out here this weekend?
cause we don't have anything planned

oh yeah i do

well do u wanna tell me?

um, no


as i was putting my phone away to go to sleep i heard my door creek open.

"soooo who's the girl you're hiding in the guest room" my sister came into my room and jumped on top of me.

"tell me tell me tell me tell me!" she kept pestering me.

"she's one of my friends. and she wanted to stay the night." i said as i pushed her off of me. "so be quiet! you're going to wake her up."

"fine whatever, you're just lucky mom and dad are out of town." ainu said as she quickly left my room.

as soon as she left i settled into my bed.

'man i hope y/n is okay. why did i never think to pay more attention when we face timed? how am i supposed to be her boyfriend if i don't pay attention'

as i finished my thought i realized what i said and felt my face warm up. when i cooled down i began to drift to sleep.

y/n pov:

my eyes fluttered open as i pushed the comfy blankets off of my body. i stretched my arms out and let out a big yawn. as i looked around my room my eyes floated over to the door. i met the eyes of a girl who looked to be about 14 years old.

she stared at me for a moment before her eyes widened. "HEY YOUR Y/N!"

i gave her a confused smile but giggled at her. "yeah that's me! who are you?"

"oh i'm ainu!" she started to walk over towards me and eventually sat on the bed. "you're like a famous model! what are you doing here? how did my brother bag you?"

my eyes widened at the last question but i ended up with a smile. "umm-" i started to answer the question until akaashi came in the room.

"ainu leave y/n alone." he said in a tired voice.

'that's hot.'

"ahhh stop! you didn't tell me that the girl here was y/n!" ainu turned to look at me with a serious face.

"so y/n are you on drugs?"

my eyes widened and i quickly turned to akaashi.

"ainu get out."

thanks for over 200 reads guys! 😛🤎

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