Start from the beginning

Yet, her thinking was suddenly interrupted by the door that led to the bar.

No doubt, she always speculated if she would end up being Satan's companion in hell when she would kick the bucket. She never felt some kind of admiration for someone. Never loved somebody to the point, she thought of being aromantic. Yes, she thought that there are many attractive people out there for example Shigaraki when he would show his face, but she just couldn't imagine something more with them. It made her upset how people fell in love and she just couldn't.

Even when she had met someone — which by the way is dangerous and a not easy thing considering she is one of Japans most wanted criminals — spent time with them, and then they told her they loved her, she felt nothing. She felt disgusted by the emotions, they felt towards her. She only needed to be with someone once in a while, she didn't expect them to magically fall in love with her, it was only friendship after all. And how could they even love somebody, who had more blood on their hands than you could imagine, and who could snap your neck without you realizing?

However, when the broker also known as Giran, that once brought and introduced her to the league, walked through the door with two unknown people, she nearly lost it. Ghost couldn't stop but to stare at the cute blonde haired girl. At that moment she felt as her heart had stopped. She doesn't know why, but she just felt drawn to the girl. 'How can someone be so damn gorgeous,' she thought, her heart going Doki-Doki. 'She has to stay in the league, she thought, otherwise we will have to kill her... and I don't want that.'

"You've been the talk of the town for days on end," the broker said, "everybody's buzzing over how something huge is about to begin."
Shigaraki, no doubt pissed that his inner monologue with himself was interrupted, decayed the picture he was once holding.
"Who are they?" He asked, noticing the two other people entering the bar beside the broker.

"Seeing you in flesh... you look creepy as hell." The living patchwork said, averting his gaze from the handy-man to the Ghost Girl. "She, however, looks more decent."

"Whooooa you're buddies of the great Stainy, right, Handy Dude and Ghost Girl!? Tell me you are!!!" The cute blond girl exclaimed, "Let me join, too! Let me join your League!"

Ghost raised a brow, with a small smile tugging at her lips. 'Cute...but you shouldn't have mentioned Stain...'
She remembers the time the Hero Killer was in the bar, he had stabbed Shigaraki, and she easily could have killed him for that. Why she didn't have done it, was a mystery. However, she paid no more attention to the two people, turning around to look straight at the wall with liquor bottles. Her thoughts running back to think of which weapon she would choose.

Shigaraki wasn't fond of them. He doesn't desire to have a brat and an asshole with no manners in his group. He told Kurogiri, he should warp the away through the misty man had another opinion. He should at least talk with them for a bit and then decide, Kurogiri had told him. He didn't want to though, they both annoyed him, he can barely handle Ghost so how was he supposed to get along with two other personas. Shigaraki grew also pissed at Giran, he was supposed to bring Ghost a new job and not him two new comrades he couldn't stand.

As the broker started to introduce the cute girl, Ghost's ears peeked up, seemingly interested in the blondie. "The media kept her face and name under strict lockdown... but she's a person of interest in a string of deaths by blood loss."

"I'm Toga. Himiko Toga. Life is too hard! I wanna make a world that's easier to live in!" She introduced herself with a smile, "I wanna be Mr. Stainy! I wanna kill Mr. Stainy. So lemme join you, Tomura!"
"You some kind of freak?" Tomura asked, questioning if he really should let the psycho join. "I'm not sure about this... is this bunch really so dedicated to the cause? I mean, they're about to let this nutjob join." The patchwork spoke up.
Ghost irked a brow, "Hey. At least the cute girl can introduce herself. If you're a proper adult, state your name, Patchwork."

Though Ghost nearly took Shigaraki the words from the mouth, he rather would have said 'freak' than 'cute' to describe the blonde girl. A small blush was visible on Himiko's cheeks as she smiled.

"I go by Dabi right now, Ghost Girl."

"Your real name?" Shigaraki questioned, growing impatient.
"You will know when you need to," Dabi said. "The Hero killer's will... I plan to make it a reality."

That put Shigaraki over the edge.

The blue-haired male stood up, "No need to answer questions I didn't ask. Everyone nowadays is all 'Stain this' and 'Stain that'..."
Kurogiri could feel what the young adult was up to, knowing it was a horrible idea, "Don't do it, Shigaraki..."
The murderous aura surrounding Tomura made Ghost all bubbly and excited. "Do it, Tomura!" she growled with a wicked smirk. Though she badly wanted to see someone suffer, she hoped Shigaraki wouldn't harm Toga. She would rather enjoy it if it was the burnt Patchwork, he seemed like a total dick that had no manners.

"I'm in a...bad mood. Cause you guys are no good."

Shigaraki lunged forward, outstretching both hands to turn the intruders to dust. However, their instinct kicked in, and immediately Toga had her knife lunged towards him and Dabi also held his hand outstretched to use his quirk. Kurogiri saw this coming, so before neither of them could get hurt, he made several small portals appear. "Please calm down, Tomura Shigaraki. Expanding this organization is necessary." the misty man said, moving closer to Shigaraki, "This is our chance while we're in the spotlight. "

Tomura, however, didn't want to hear any of it. "Shut up."
He was just about to walk out of the door, but Giran stopped him by asking where he was off to. The young man only answering with his all too familiar 'shut up'. He slammed the door loud shut, walking down the hallway to the exit of the bar. Shigaraki was pissed, not only at the fact that he has to accept the two newbies but also at Ghost. She at least could have had his back but she just had to sit there and do nothing. "Stupid Y/n..."

"I thought he was gonna kill us!" Toga exclaimed, with her never-ending smile.
Kurogiri took the glass that was prior used by the young leader and began to clean it, "We will have an answer for you within a day or two, will that suffice?"

Before Dabi or even Toga could answer the question the foggy man asked, Ghost got the better of them.
"Katana," she blurted out, with a hazardous glint in her red and e/c eye.


"Whatcha talking about, Ghost Girl?"

She ignored the confusion of the two clueless people and turned to Giran, who stood next to the door.

"So Giran... I heard ya have a new job for me?"

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