3- catching feelings

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Y/N = your name               F/C = favourite colour          H/L = hair length
E/C = eye colour                H/C = hair colour                   N/N = nickname
Back at the house

"So now he have lost all three of them." Sherlock said "I presume they have no clue as to where the twins have gone?"

"Well they found their bicycles." Explained Mrs Lane

"Pointed in the wrong direction?" Sherlock said as he smiled almost as if he was proud of the girls for running away.

"This isn't as fun as it might seem master Sherlock." His smile disappeared "they have your whits. They run circles around me just as you once did but..."

"But?" He questioned

"B-but they no nothing of the world."

Back with Enola,Y/n and Tewksbury

"You do know you have completely ruined phase 3 of our plan." Y/n said starting off the conversation.

"Phase what??" Tewksbury asked extremely confused "who the hell are you? Look I believe our recent brush with death at least owes me names?!"

"I'm Enola Holmes and this is my twin sister Y/n Holmes." Enola spoke

"Holmes like Sherlock Holmes the detective?"

"Yes and we are undercover so forget we told you that." Y/n answered

"Undercover working for him?" Tewksbury questioned

"You ask a lot of questions Tewksbury but no from him."  Y/n continued

"Hence why your dressed as boys!" He said finally understanding

Y/n rolled her eyes in his direction.

Y/ns POV

I rolled my eyes at Tewksbury to which he responded with a small smile. Ughhh it was so cute. No no no. We continued walking for a bit my thoughts swirling inside my head. Man I had only just met this boy but ughhh he was cute.

"We should think about finding a place to sleep soon." Enola said bringing me away from my thoughts.

"We should think about eating soon." Tewksbury and I said simultaneously.

I let out a small giggle. He both had the same thing on our mind. Food.

"Well Tewkesbury and Y/n we haven't any food." Enola said it was clear she was exhausted.

"Of course we do!" He exclaimed. "Arctuim lappa which you'll know as burdock. Very tasty. And um then there's Trifolium. Clover. And is that.... yess I knew it! Mushrooms! Agaricus lanipes. The princes!"

He handed Enola the mushroom. I felt some sort of jealously rise up inside of me but I quickly pushed it back down. And put on a smile.

"Delicious! If you can get I fire started I can makes us a feast. What'd you say Y/n?" He continued

"Fine." I said smiling back at him.

It was wired I felt butterflies rise in my stomach when he talked or even just looked at me.

Me and Enola slowly walked towards the woods.

"Your catching feelings." She whispered in my ear

"Shushhhhh. I might be. But that really doesn't matter." I responded trying to be as quiet as possible.

"I'm not entirely an idiot, you know?!" Tewksbury said from behind us.

Had he heard us?

Time skip to later by the fire - still Y/ns pov

Enola had fallen asleep around 10 minutes ago. Me and Tewksbury had just sat in silence since then. Every now and then I would take a bite of the lovely food Tewksbury had made for us.

"Hmm. I've been thinking. You need to disguise yourself a little. How do you feel about your hair?" I asked breaking the silence.

"I've never really cared for it."

I picked up a sharp piece of stone.

"This'll do." I said to myself.

"Cut it of with a knife. Of course you will." he whispered.

I started to sharpen it. Just like our mother had taught us to. She was a clever woman she really was.

"Who taught you how to sharpen it like that?" He asked politely.

"My mother."

"Well your mother is very different to mine." He said smiling up at me.

I swear my heart skipped a beat.

"Who taught you about flowers and herbs?" I questioned keeping the conversation going.

"My father."

"We never really knew our father."

"My fathers dead too."

I looked at him taking my eyes away from my knife.

"I'm sorry." We said once again simultaneously.

I continued to sharpen my knife. Things went quite and stayed like this for a couple of minutes.

"Why have you run? From home. I mean." Tewksbury asked

"We didn't want to go to Miss Harrison's school for young laddies."

Tewksbury let out a small chuckle. His laugh was so sweet. Butterflies rose in my stomach once again. I tried to ignore them this time.

"Why have you?" I asked him.

"Well ugh a tree branch broke above me while I was collecting wild mushrooms." He stated as I started to cut away at his hair. " it could have crushed me but I managed to roll out of the was and I realised..."


"You'll laugh at me."

"I won't."

"My life seemed to flash between my eyes." We were sitting much closer now and my heart rate had increased massively. "I was just about to take my seat in the House of Lords. I had these ideas about how we may progress the estate. But unfortunately my family were so set on me joining the army. I didn't want to at all. I was scared."

"Why would i laugh at that Tewksbury?"

"Don't I sound pathetic?"

"Of course not."

He looked into my eyes. We held eye contact for what felt like hours when in reality it was probably only a couple of seconds.

"Why were they going to send you to a finishing school?" He said breaking the eye contact.

"In the morning we'll have to move quickly." I said completely ignoring his question. "The bowler hat man will be hot on your trail-."

"Where's your destination? I'm going to-."


"Well then shall we stick together?" He asked me.

I thought about it I really wanted to say yes. But Enola and mother. We came here to find mother so that's what we were going to do.

"No." I responded after much consideration. "We'll get to London and go our separate ways." I stood up to get at an easier angle to cut his hair.

I tried not to hurt him while I was cutting his hair but he moved to much it was so hard.
Once I had finished with his hair we talked for a little longer before he finally fell asleep.

"Night Tewksbury." I whispered as he fell asleep.


A/n: hiya guys hope you like this update. Let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions. Thanks. Sorry if there are any typos or mistakes. Please point them out to me and I can easily change them. Thank you.

Word count: 1120

His girl  | Y/n x Tewksbury story Where stories live. Discover now