Vanoss: wiring kid, computer chip, and a battery

Wildcat: well we got the battery but what about the wiring kit

Vanoss pda switches to a picture of the wiring kit and the ingredient.

Vanoss: two silver ore what what, we never found silver

Wildcat: ok that's one problem but what about the computer chip

vanoss pda switches to the computer chip and the ingredient

Vanoss: two tables coral sample, one gold, and copper wire

Wildcat: ok we have gold but what about the cop-

Vanoss: i assume it has to do something about the coppers i have

Wildcat: oh ok do you have them

Vanoss: no there at the sub

Wildcat: oh well lets get those and find some of the rest

(A/N: how do you feel about grinding resources in subnautica, do tell)

Wildcat and vanoss were on there way to the sub to get some coppers and after that they need to go out and find the rest of the resources. As they got to the sub they saw that delirious was paying some uno cards with the other three to which surprise vanoss that the cards were not wet at all.

Vanoss got four coppers and the gold from the bottom deck locker of the sub while wildcat got a scanner so he can find where most of the stuff they need and one battery. One they got what they need they exit the sub and are now starting on there next step of finding those resources.

First they need 2 silver ore for the wiring kit. Wildcats told his pda where silver ore is located and it said that silver ore is rare but could be common in the kelp area. Wildcat was heading to that area but was stop by vanoss.

Wildcat: what why did you stop me

Vanoss: if you're going in there you should be on alert for those stalkers

Wildcat: stalkers, what the fuck is a stalkers

Vanoss: its those fast creatures with a purple back

Wildcat: ok thanks for the heads up

Wildcat thanks him and swam into the kelp area and he is now on a look out for those stalkers.

30 minutes later

Wildcat was having a hard time looking for silver in the region. He did break some of those limestone he scan and only gave him copper and some titanium which he took. Wildcat than saw another limestone but this one was different from the others was it was more round and smooth. He scan it and it was sandstone which his pda said this stone may contain lead, gold, and silver.

Wildcat: oh so that's where it is

Wildcat broke the sandstone and to his relief a silver ore fell out of it.

Wildcat: ah ha yes one down one to go

While he is finding silver vanoss is looking for table coral sample which he assume its those purple plate shape thing on the part of the rock's. Vanoss found 4 of them and kicked them all. It broke into peace of 5 and vanoss began to collect them all. Vanoss than return to the pod and was going to use the fabricator until wildcat came in.

Vanoss: did you find some silver

Wildcat: huh yep i got two of them

Vanoss: great exactly what we need

Vanoss first placed the coppers as the fabricator project a holo screen of the options of crafting. He press the picture of the copper wire and the fabricator began firing beams of energy on the pad. The beam were quickly making copper wire from the material he placed. He than place 2 table coral sample and gold as vanoss press the computer chip picture as it began fabricating a chip. And wildcat place 2 silver ore and press the picture of the kit as it began to fabricate a kit.

They all got what they need so wildcat place the battery, switch to another options and selected the picture of the habitat builder.

It than fabricated the habitat builder which looks like a vr controller with 2 tubes on the top front. As wildcat picked it up the habitat builder his pda spoke to him.

Wildcats PDA: the builder tool is designed to construct habitats capable to withstand extreme environmental conditions

Wildcat: cool so wait its not just to make are own fabricator but to make are own base

Vanoss: really that's even better we need to tell the others

Wildcat: your right

Wildcat and vanoss left the pod and swam to the sub for the others. Once they got there they were telling them about the habitat builder and what its capable of doing.

Delirious: so what your saying is we can make are own base that's cool

Nogla: its like making are own house

Terroriser: i am definitely in

Basically: me too

Wildcat: ok but first we need to make a fabricator first and then we can get started on are own base

All: alright

Wildcat: ok so pda what do we need for a fabricator

The pda switches to a picture of rhe fabricator and the ingredients.

Wildcat: titanium, gold, and table coral sample

Vanoss: i got table coral

Wildcat: i have titanium but no gold

Vanoss: ok so who's going to get going

Delirious: i'll go get it

Basically: me too

Nogla: me three

Terroriser: i'll also get random stuff we might need

Wildcat: ok than go

With that delirious, nogla, basically, and Terroriser are going to go get the necessary resources they are all going to get. As they left wildcat and vanoss were discussing on how or where to make a base.

Vanoss: pda show us how to make a base or any habitat things

His pda open up a list of everything the habitat builder can make which is a lot of things they can make and lots of things they can't make yet.

Wildcat: this is going to take a lot of hours to make

Vanoss: yes you are right

Vanoss and wildcat were now going though the list that they are going to make in there hours.

Team 6 of 4546B ( subnautica x vanoss crew )Where stories live. Discover now