Twenty-Three - Offer

Start from the beginning

Ren flopped back onto her bed, the mattress bouncing lightly from the impact. Her phone buzzed in her blazer pocket and she checked the home screen to find a couple of messages from Uraraka and Ashido asking where she'd gone off to. As she stared at the messages, her phone erupted with her ringtone to Kirishima calling.

"What's up, Spikey?" Ren asked casually and clicked the phone onto speaker.

"Hey girl, where you at?" Kirishima's rough yet bouncy tone echoed on the other side. "We just opened the English homework and there's a question here that's got even Yaoyorozu stumped."

"Busy. What is it?" She asked bluntly.

"Okay, in what context do we use who versus whom-" Kirishima has barely finished the question when Ren chuckled to answer.

"Ah! The age old question that's got even the best of speakers a bit stumped." She chuckled again. "Who is the subject, whom is the object. Make sense?"

"Aaaaah... Not really." Kirishima chuckled awkwardly. "Can you come down?"

"Just repeat what I said, Momo, Rep or Katsuki will work it out." Ren smirked at the thought of her spiky-haired friend trying to make sense of the confusing language that was English. "Catch ya later alligator." She hung up just as Kirishima protested a 'wait'.

Ren chuckled again before looking back at the envelop on her desk. Her smile fell. Why was she so nervous? Maybe because this letter represented her accepting the other parts of her she tried so hard to hide? Maybe it was pure fear of being bad at using those other parts of her? Maybe it was because actually training in a sidekick role went against everything her father tried to instil in her? She didn't care about his wants and his intentions for her use as a weapon. She wanted to do things her way.

More time had past than Ren had realised, and deep gold was spilling through her sheer curtains. Ren glanced out of her window and stared at the brilliant sunset that painted the mildly clouded sky. Gold, coral, lilac and petal pink blended and spread over the horizon. She let her lids grow heavy and her lips part slightly. She looked at her phone, still in her hand from earlier. This time the screen was plastered with messages asking if she was feeling okay and what she was up to. There was even one from Bakugo asking if she was alright.

Ren clutched her phone tightly. She wanted to tell him so badly what the contents of the letter would be. She got to her feet and stood strongly, dropping her phone to her bed and clenching her fists together. "Bring it on." She muttered.

Ren dove at the envelop, ripping the neatly folded closure open and discarding it to the floor. The letter itself was as impeccably presented as the envelop was. Folded in perfect thirds with perfect calligraphy printed in perfectly spaced lines, not a single character had a slightly wobbly line or drop of ink out of place. It could have passed for digitally printed if there wasn't a faint smell of ink wafting from the page. Ren took in a deep breath before allowing her eyes to glance over the words and take in what they meant.

Dear Miss Chinami-Ren Arakawa,

We are writing to you today to inform you that your application to complete your out-of-school work study has been approved by the Endeavour Agency. The number one hero himself, Endeavour, would like to personally welcome you to the program to train under his guidance as a sidekick.

Your presence is requested this Sunday at 10am to further go over the details of your time with us. Your contract and schedule will be discussed and you will be required to sit through a physical health exam with one of our onsite doctors.

Endeavour looks forward to working with you as a teacher and mentor.

Kind Regards,

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