CHAPTER 15 - ❝the three j's❞

Start from the beginning

My chances of leaving the living room without being spotted were slim.

I notice a ceramic owl ornament on the coffee table and slowly, without being spotted, grabbing it from the table-at least I had something to defend myself with-but right when I had the ceramic owl in my hand, it knocked the remote off of the coffee table.

I raise my head, seeing all three of their eyes on me.

My face turned ashen as I freeze on the spot, looking between the three of them watching me as I was getting up from behind the recliner seat. I lift the ceramic owl higher, just like I did with the lamp in the room when I woke up in this mansion, and waited for one of them to attack me now that they knew I was in the living room with them.

"And who might you be, sweetheart?" The one with the black pair of jeans and shirt asks me, smiling at me.

"I'm the one who should be asking you that seeing that you're in my-"I pause frowning at myself. This wasn't my home. They weren't in my home. "-seeing that you're trespassing in someone else's home." I finish, feeling my hand start to shake as I held onto the ceramic owl tighter.

"Who are you?" The one with the long hair asks as he stepped forward and behind the couch where I still stood with the ceramic owl in my hands, he nearly closes the distance between us but I threaten him with the owl.

"An owl, really?" The guy in front of me asks like I just offended him.

"I am not afraid to use it, so back the hell off." I try to keep my voice even, but fear washes over me watching all three of them watching me in return.

They are for sure going to kill me now.

Where the hell was Vito? He was always up early in the mornings and the one day when he's supposed to be here early, he's still sleeping!

"And what are you going to do about it?" The guy in front of me asks, stepping forward again but this time I use the ceramic owl to my advantage.

I throw it in his face.

He howls painfully and grabs his bleeding nose after the ceramic owl falls to the ground. It shatters all around our feet into hundreds of shards. I'm sorry, Giovanni. I thought. I broke yet another thing of value in this mansion.

I sidestep the guy I just threw with a ceramic owl in attempt to get to the staircase, but of course the one with the beard grabs me around the waist.

My back was pressed up against his chest, his arms holding me around my waist securely. But of course he forgets I'm a girl and the only survival instinct I have when being grabbed like this is to kick him in the crotch area-the part where the most damage would be done to a guy.

He lets go of me and yelps as he grabs onto his crotch, screwing his eyes shut as he tried to relieve the pain from his crotch.

"Okay, we scared her enough already." The one I threw with the ceramic owl says, still clutching his nose as more blood spews from his nose.

The one with the beard nods, and throws his hands up in surrender.

"We heard a lot about you." He says with a smile. "You've got quite a kick indeed. I think my crotch is broken." His face pains as he doubles over again. Seems like the kick was harder than I had expected, but at least it worked to my advantage.

"I beg your pardon?" I ask, the confusion clear on my face.

We heard a lot about you? Who the hell told them about me in the first place?

"Look what we have here!" Giovanni exclaims as he makes his way down the staircase.

He has the biggest grin on his face which came as a surprise to me; I thought he'd be all grumpy, trying to fight off a hangover.

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